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03-14-25 01:48 PM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Things to do instead of studying...Someone shoot me...
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Posts: 1302/958
Originally posted by Spartan

Walk up to a salesperson and ask "May I help you?"

I really really want to try that, it would be so funny to see their reaction, these are great Spartan
Posts: 794/1569
I have way to much time on my hands...That were these come from...I like them myself...
X Marks the Spot
Posts: 528/693
Well, ok then...

*Pulls out an AK and blasts Spartan*

That aside all of these are really hilarious... But how do you come up with all of them???
Posts: 791/1569
I am running out of brain power...

Have a root canal
Eat dirt
Go to all of your classes
Clean out your bellybutton
Make crank calls
Gamble borrowed money
Sharpen your pencils (all of them)
Talk to yourself
call 976-anything
Try on all your clothes at one time
Memorize the phone book
Play your records backwards
Glue money to the floor and watch people try to pick it up
Go to the airport and meet people
Bite the heads off Gummi Bears and take them back to the supermarket
Start new rumors
Hold your breath till you pass out
Rub your eyes till you see stars
Fry ants with a magnfying glass
Set every clock in a building foreward
Walk up to a salesperson and ask "May I help you?"
Go Christmas Caroling by yourself
Post things to do instead of studying which your sister wrote for a local paper
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Things to do instead of studying...Someone shoot me...

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