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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Should girls and boys be taught separately?
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Posts: 60/365
I dont thing so myself because both sexes are equal and should be able to be taught under the same roof.
Posts: 40/3649
Something Tamarin said a while back...

I really do see the pros and cons of both arguments, so I think that the choice should always be available. I do not think girls and boys should be forced to go to all same sex schools, but I also do not believe that they should be forced to go to co-ed schools either.

Now I know under certain circumstances, a child is forced to go to one or the other, but that's dealing with outside factors such as location, finances, and parent opinions....but I do not think that governments should make that choice or anything, ya know?
Posts: 2165/9736
Actually most of my friends are guys to be perfectly honest, of course I'm a bit of a tomboy so yeah. But yeah, even though I have a passing attraction to the female gender I am mostly straight, so your idea is not exactly accurate Van.

I've been in public schools my whole life, so it is a co-ed experience I had to deal with. I personally had no problem in school and was more distracted by the girls shrill laughing and gossiping than anything that the boys did... well, except the teasing.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 183/337
I think that school should be together until about 7th grade then separate, that would avoid many stupid useless emotions and stress. When a guy is unfortunately attracted to a girl, it causes way too much daydreaming and thinking, and will lose sight of what has more value. Separating genders would also mean a much lower underage sex rate, since at lest 80% of relationships come from seeing them at school. I could concentrate better because it seems most of what girls talk about is stupid enough to be distracting, and that's the same impression i've gotten from them about me. Also, there are many cases I've seen that suggest that a person with more peers of their gender is less likely to be gay, but I don't want to start an "annihalate Van's opinion" thread for a while....
Posts: 562/2724
Eh, for me personally (since my comment was about me anyway), that's not a problem. I've finished 100 question tests in ~30 minutes, and gotten 95%+ on them. Working fast isn't exactly difficult for me.
Posts: 951/1198
That was actually used as just a small example. The main focus on my argument was about the whole competition factor and such. No matter how 'disciplined' you claim you are or can be, you'll eventually fall into it, one way or the other.

And about the whole wanting to get the work quickly done so that you can talk to the girl...wouldn't that motivate you to rush through all your work and studies or neglect them altogether?
Posts: 561/2724
Originally posted by Sparda

Honestly, can you really focus on school work if a gorgeous someone of the opposite sex is sitting next to you or in front of you? I honestly doubt it.

Actually, yes, I can, and very easily. I've gone to mixed schools all my life, and I've never seen anyone have a problem concentrating on their work for that reason. Now, I've seen people acting like assclowns, which distracts them and everyone around them. I've seen people that just don't care about their work. But, really, I've never seen people distracted for that particular reason.

... if I ever wanted to talk to an attractive girl, that was more motivation to hurry the hell up and finish the work.
Posts: 950/1198
Actually, that is quite untrue. I know this from experience seeing as how I do go to an all boys school in Manhattan.

And the thing you gotta remember is...if there is indeed a co-ed school, a boy would more likely focuse on the girls more than the school work. There will be too much competition amongst the genders over the opposite sex rather than education. By seperating the two sexes, you are ensuring that there will be no fights for the opposite sex and and increasing the chances of a better education for the students.

Honestly, can you really focus on school work if a gorgeous someone of the opposite sex is sitting next to you or in front of you? I honestly doubt it.

And you seem to get the idea that just because some boys who go to all boys schools will never learn to interact with girls at all. This is completely untrue. Boys who go to an all boys school who do not know how to interact with girls only occur when the boys do NOT want to interact with the girls. The school does not take up the entire day. Boys still have plenty of chances to interact with the opposite sex.

And just because a boy goes to an all boys school does not imply in anyway that he will start to hang out with boys more often just because "that's what he knows eight hours or more out of the five days a week". This can go many ways. That is certainly a possibility, there are still many other possibilities as well. Such a situation may cause a boy to want to hang out with girls more than he does with boys since he's had so much interaction with those of the same sex in school.

Now, i just have a question to pose to all those who have already posted in this thread. Do you go to a single sex school or a co-ed school? Or have you gone to either?
Posts: 588/838
actually separating them to teach them would be a bad thing in the long run. Look at it this way. A boy grows up going to a school where it's all boys there. He very rarely interacts with a girl. A large part of his day is in school, and outside of school he'd be more inclined to gravitate towards other boys to hang out with just cause that's what he knows eight hours or more out of the day five days a week.

When he gets older and starts to notice females it would be much more difficult for him to properly interact with them. Social skills interacting with the opposite gender would be next to non-existant. That's really not a good thing in the long run.

Reverse that scenario for girls and you've got the same thing. It's not a sure thing of course but it is a possibility from a psychological standpoint.
Posts: 115/551
Oh good lord. This is just modern society at work on this. They try to be seperate entities and make sure that everyone stands out in the crowd. Teaching already has enough on its hands about stupid parents who complain to them about stupid things about grades, why complicate it even more with a system like this?
Posts: 2161/9736
I gotta agree with Tamarin on this, since both work essentially.
Posts: 174/944
No need to change the current system, its fine...and besides, its not like meeting people of the opposite sex would kill anyone.

There is no reason to change it...unless there is some lifethreatening reason.
Posts: 556/2724
Hm. Both ideas have their problems, and I've got a very simple solution.

Don't force either. If parents, for whatever reason, want to send their son to an all-boys school, let them. If they'd rather send them to a mixed public school, let them.

... Wait. Isn't that how it is now? Don't see a need for change, myself.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 1025/1852
While it's true boys and girls have their own special traits, but thats no reason to spearate us. The growing coimmunity needs to be mixed together like so. It will allow us to shape our personalities into what we would potentially have.

If we separate us, then chaces are, we will know next to nothing about the oppasite sex, both sides will act completly retarded around one another. (Not like we already do that anyway, lol. Just imagine it worse.) And chances are we'll have more of the Same Sex couples running around because of how long people have been around the same age, the oppasite sex not even comming to mind because they know how to live withou them.

(Not saying that's bad, just saying that twould be less straight couples = Less people born = less people in total...)

On second thought, maybe this wouldn't be a bad thing o.O
Posts: 1336/958
This has been discussed on the news before and it also has been talked about at my school. Should girls and boys be taught separately?

Whether this be true or not, but it has been said that there are differences in brain development with genders. It is said that girls are better at reading and writing at their early ages, because the language centres of their brains develop earlier than they do in boys. But boys allegedly have better spatial reasoning than girls of the same age, making them more mentally equipped for arithmetic and sports and whatnot. So, having them taught in separate classes should allow for an education more tailored to their development.

… I really don’t think separating girls and boys is the right thing, you may find lots of problems already in a normal school, but their will always still be problems if they were separate. Growing up we learn different social skills that help us on later in life and interacting with males and females helps, separating both genders courses more problems I reckon once kids leave school

It has been talked about at my school, mainly last year, they wanted to try out separating boys and girls and having separate classes, but their idea was put down due to not enough teachers, plus the hole school schedule would have been messed up.

So what do you’s think?
Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Should girls and boys be taught separately?

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