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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Vacation
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Posts: 125/838
I'm with Sis and WhiteRose. I would love to visit Japan because it's an interesting country and it also has areas of beautiful countryside that i would love to visit. New Zealand and it has nothing to do with Lord of the Rings I just love how beautiful the country is and I would be able to sit for hours on end in total contentment on the rolling grasslands there or perched in a comfortable tree.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 85/4541
Put me down as Greece. I like all the greek stories, and the modern things in Greece look cool.
Posts: 95/2954
I would looove to go to England. The whole place sounds sooo, cool. I want to live there, actually.And a vacation there would properly orient me for my future living choice!
Posts: 196/958
Originally posted by True Flight
I'm going to New Zealand if I ever get the chance, THAN Australia. I always wanted to go across the world as an exchange student too.

YAY, someone wants to come to Australia, you can stay at my place we have plenty of room.

Russia would be an ok place to visit, I mean for some reason i wouldn't mind visiting that place
Van Rhanell
Posts: 31/337
I would like to be either in the dryest, hottest part of the Sahara desert or really deep into the Amazon rainforest. I've always wanted to survive in a desert just for fun, but I also want to prove Hideo Kojima's theory wrong by cavorting around in an orange box "undetected". I hope to visit Japan frequently when i'm older, and maybe live there for a few years if anyone wanted me as a manga artist.
Posts: 60/2999
I'd like to visit either Japan or Russia. Japan is pretty obvious. It would be a pretty interesting place to see. And I've always been interested in Russia, so I want to go there as well.

Those are also the two languages I'd like to learn the most. Japanese and Russian.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 121/2915

Not for vacations, but pretty much to finish my studies in a few years
Posts: 27/274
Oh yeah, with a wonderful place such as that, I'd be stupid not to take pictures of it. When I do, I will post them on the board. I might even post a video or two, I don't know. We'll see though.
Posts: 355/11758
Yeah VG, I'm sure most of us know, you lucky.

I just have to ask though, do you plan on taking pictures when you go? It would be pretty cool to see.
Posts: 26/274
Well, there's one vacation spot that I have been talking about for over a year now and one that's not listed there in the choices -- and that's Japan. I'm really pushing on going there in 5 months -- it's going to be close, but I think I can do it.
True Flight
Posts: 125/5245
I'm going to New Zealand if I ever get the chance, THAN Australia. I always wanted to go across the world as an exchange student too.
Posts: 331/11758
Originally posted by HoboConductor
South Korea because $100 dollars can pay for a month's food, awesome technology and games. And there is some really awesome place my friend was talking about, some large building where you can run around in something that looks similar to a mech but without guns. Seriously, you could sit one of the cockpits and just run around the place and go crazy...though you cannot take them out of the building.

I'm going to South Korea.
Posts: 58/944
South Korea because $100 dollars can pay for a month's food, awesome technology and games. And there is some really awesome place my friend was talking about, some large building where you can run around in something that looks similar to a mech but without guns. Seriously, you could sit one of the cockpits and just run around the place and go crazy...though you cannot take them out of the building.
Posts: 34/3649
Okay....after seeing "The Grudge" I dun think I wanna go to Japan anytime luck I'll walk into a house, be stupid enough to check out some strange sounds and get my face torn apart.

I put other, just because if we had the money to go on vacation, I'd be so grateful I wouldn't care where. England or something might be good, and Ireland as well, but that's just to visit family. I'm literally the 2nd generation here in America, my gram was two when she came over, and everyone on the tree before her were either from Ireland or England (My great grammy is 100% Irish, and Great pop-pop 100% English) so I have a lot of family still there and we all keep in touch.
Posts: 299/11758
I hear the people in New Zealand are very open and much more friendly than what you might find in the US.

France would be nice too for the city life.

But honestly, I'd love to go to Japan, just to see the different kind of culture, I mean they've got Anime stores and bilboards left and right, it would be interesting to see. And I'm sure they've got nice beach's.

But I've always wanted to travel sometime in my life, probaly when I'm much older, like early retirement or something. I'd like to go all over the world and see what this place really is like, other than sitting smack dab in the middle of the US in Kansas ... and of course, hopefully I'll have a special someone to spend this time with, it would make it even better.

Honestly though, I think I'd rather see exotic places over a large city area, waterfalls, forests, and things like that, I've seen from pictures since my grandparents travel and it just seems like it would be awesome to actually see in person.
Posts: 17/49
ive always been interested in germany so i would love to go their it juast seems like such a fun place
Posts: 103/1461
New Zeland. Not so much because of the Lord of the Rings, but because of who beautiful the country side seems. In a place like that, I just sit there for hours and be content.
Posts: 55/546
I plan on moving to Berlin, Germany after college. So I chose it.
Posts: 185/958
Originally posted by avatar of law
japan, for obv reason =/ wonder why it isnt on the list

Oh I'm sorry about that Japan never entered my mind I thought I was missing a few so I put other.

Japan actually wouldn't be such a bad place to visit I really like their pop music
Posts: 107/1555
I would also like to go to Japan. I have long lost relatives there and it's just an awesome place in general. I would also like to go to Greece because of the history and culture there. Next summer I'm touring parts of France, Scotland, and Ireland. I love to travel. One of these years I'm gonna go backpacking in Europe or Canada.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Vacation

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