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02-05-25 08:03 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - my brother...d*mn him
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Master Naruto
Posts: 17/195
well, he's 34... and i'm 18. He doesn't live here and my mom is out of town. if I had a car i'd drive. and i'm not gonna walk, it's 20 something miles away or ride a bike along the's your sign
Posts: 234/958
hmm... well you could always get a bucket with water in it, then pour it on his head But you should have woken him, if he was supposed to have taken you then there was no need for him to be sleeping.

Or your friend could have taken you, I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded, unless it's out of her way to come get you
Boondock Saint
Posts: 15/68
I'll give you a ride Naruto

but in all seriousness if you have a bike ride one, if not walk if its such an important tournment. But as for your brother i know how it is i have an uncle like that, all you can really do is disappoint him the next time he needs a favor and remind him of this time, mayb ethen he'll get the picture to at least stop making promises he cant keep.
Master Naruto
Posts: 15/195
My mom went to Beluxi, Mississippi this weekend earlier today and there is a VERY impotant Halo 2 tournament for me to go to tonight. Tonight, theres a 2 on 2 Halo 2 tournament and my brother is asleep and my sister-in-law told me to stop calling. So i'm stuck at my house so you know what? F*ck them/. You have no idea how pissed off I am. My partner was gonna meet me there and we were pwn the people and hopefully get 3rd or 2nd. But no.....can't now cause my brother let me down again. Well, I could drive my truck. Oh, I brother broke the transmission on it!!! This isn't the first time he's done it, but this is the worst. All the other times I just wanmted to go hang out with my friends, which are serious too, but this was for money and now i've let my friend down. Well, I just hope he can find another partner u_u this just really gets me. He's my brother and he's sleeping when he's supposed to take me and my sister-in-law, who's known him for 2, maybe 3 years and i've known hinm my whole FUCKING LIFE ABD SHE'S TELLING ME NOT TO CALL OVER THEE WHEN MY MOM ISN'T CHARGINGH THEM TO LIVE ON HER PEOPERTY WHEN SHE COULD BE RWENTING THAT HOUSE OUT FOR MONEY, WHICH WE ARE IN DIRE NEED OF!!!!!!! What the fuck is she thinking...oh, I forgot. My mom also bought his truck that they both drive. Bought it in full and gave it to him. Well, guess i'm missing out on money...and as a brother always does when his brother doesn't do what he's supposed to do, i'm gonna let my mom know about this.
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - my brother...d*mn him

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