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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - System of a Down
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Brunken Drawler
Posts: 28/30
The old System of a Down is much better than the new...

Posts: 50/126
I didnt say just licks he can play stairway to heaven within one month. And im saying guitar doesnt make the music guitar needs a voice i mean what adds to a sad song or to a heavy ass mosh song. You need music from suttle gentle voices to Core Screams. But you can learn how to sing but mostly singing is a gift and you use that gift (Getting on topic i heard a guy no singing talent try to sing arials and it sucked out loud) but singers have range like a guitar its jsut harder to train some thing you genetically inherit (your voice) than your fingers.

But back on hand i liek SOAD's signer he;s got a cool unusual voice and i didnt mean a 2 out of 5 i meant a 3
Pat Meth
Posts: 82/153
Originally posted by Sasuke_87
Originally posted by Spyware

And Van, being a good singer isnt as hard as being a master of guitar.

And you can only say your a good rock singer if your Vince Neil from Motley Crue.

*Sasuke Read Post and Drops His Jaw*

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Singing is a part of music that adds more fullness to music. Anyone can play and master guitar. But singing is a gift and talent that you can't Earn like you can with guitar. My friend tim learned how to become equal to most famous guitarists in guess what. 1 MONTH yeah guitar isnt hard to learn sorry to spoil this for you metal freaks. But licks are teh Easiest things to play in the world anyone can pick up a guitar and play licks.

I don't want to make this a debate, but tha tis irrelevant bullshit. Your friend Tim who became equal to famous guittarists (and when I say famous I mean famous because they're very very good)...that's not possible. Playing guitar isn't all about licks. There are so many different skills to master, it just goes on and on...guitar dwarfs singing in terms of difficulty. "Singing is a part of music that adds fullenss to music." And guitar isn't?

Learning to play guitar well is just like learning to sing well-it's 2 percent natural talent and 98 percent hard work and practice. THe different is that you aren't goiing to find a soprano guitar player who can only play things well o n the high end...and even if someone like that did exist, he would be bad. In guitar, andyone can learn to play like anyone else, given enough time. However, in singing, there are certain limits that people are unable to cross.
Posts: 49/126
Originally posted by Spyware

And Van, being a good singer isnt as hard as being a master of guitar.

And you can only say your a good rock singer if your Vince Neil from Motley Crue.

*Sasuke Read Post and Drops His Jaw*

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Singing is a part of music that adds more fullness to music. Anyone can play and master guitar. But singing is a gift and talent that you can't Earn like you can with guitar. My friend tim learned how to become equal to most famous guitarists in guess what. 1 MONTH yeah guitar isnt hard to learn sorry to spoil this for you metal freaks. But licks are teh Easiest things to play in the world anyone can pick up a guitar and play licks.

Back to SOAD. There okay some local band played arials at a show...they jacked it up bad and we're forced to get off teh stage immediatly. But yeah SOAD gets a 2 out of 5
Posts: 142/720
Nu metal, say it how sounds "new metal"

Metal has pretty much lost its loud guitar, for a low less intelligent sound
Posts: 108/3649
I like SOAD. **shrugs** Don't ask me what my favorite album is, because you'll get a better response from the crickets. SOAD just happens to be one of those bands that I heard, and when someone mentioned their name along with the song, that's how I knew. **shrugs** I like music. The names and such just come with the music. And as far as this "Nu-metal" that I'm is that? **is embarassed as the crickets begin to chirp**
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 105/2641
System is OK, nut I go for more sophisticated tastes, like N.E.R.D, Lemon Jelly, Peter Gabriel, Organic Audio, Royksopp, Annie, Enya, Moby, etc.....
Posts: 140/720
Originally posted by Van Rhanell
They always seem to have too much of a message to get across to display talent

Isnt that the whole point of making a band? too stand out and kick ass .

Too bad they feel short and went into that deadly generic Nu metal sound .

And Van, being a good singer isnt as hard as being a master of guitar.

See some people play the guitar. Others are masters of it.

And system of a down just plays it

Ive ruled out a lot of bands, because they werent very good guitarist, a couple of my friends called me "picky" but hey i wanna listen to the best and only the best. And if you suck. then you can go suck some nutsack and work at 7-11

I mean Rock music in general is mainly about the instrumental, bass,Guitar, and some drums.

Look at steve Vai, hes fucking insanse at guitar and his songs are 190u8290278 times better then SOAD songs, and they dont use lyrics

And if you dont know who Steve Vai is, then you are not allowed to listen to any form of rock music for the rest of your life .

When ever i get my iPod ill have to post my collection.

And you can only say your a good rock singer if your Vince Neil from Motley Crue.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 50/337
They always seem to have too much of a message to get across to display talent, though the singing is better than most bands. I like them a lot and forever dream of having a long, skinny beard now. Chic-n-stu is a hilarious song, along with that EIEO thing on Steal This Album. The one thing that bothers me about them is the subliminal things, that all of their songs have some deep message on how crapped up this world is, but show no hints of anything like it in their videos. This also goes along with how they aren't Christian but acknowleged that it's a good idea to listen to Christ(I guess until recently they had been saying that and working to promote awareness of the Armenian Genocide) And among other things, two new albums are coming out this year, apparently with a heavier edge.
Posts: 131/720
Originally posted by The Xeomega
*Bam bam bam bang slap slam*

... Simply put, that's how I see their talent.

Or, all nu metal.

But that's just me.

I have to say thats all true 100%.

If anyone has ears,and good taste in music, youll see how many new bands are generic and no good.

I will say this, i did think Chop Suey was a masterpiece. So dont think i ruled them out because of a few songs, or from what ive heard. Ive heard the band, and they blow a lot.
Posts: 611/11758
*Bam bam bam bang slap slam*

... Simply put, that's how I see their talent.

Or, all nu metal.

But that's just me.
Posts: 112/720
Im with Xeo on this one, there talent is generic, They sound like everyother generic metal band out there

No one in the band truly stands out and makes you say "Damn his bass makes the whole song, just idk, its awesome" Its more like "WTF I thought this was a skillet CD?"
Posts: 581/11758
I was a fan about 4-5 years ago when I had horrible taste in music, and liked Linkin Park.

Not trying to be offensive, just sparking up the topic here.

I really dislike this style of music these days, I don't see the skill.
Posts: 360/9736
System is indeed a cool band, I have the first album as well as Toxicity and Steal This Album, and I love thier songs... I don't know what it is about most of them, but they are just cool. That, and the one about pizza pie is just funny.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 175/2915
Probably the only band that people consider "Nu-Metal" that I can listen to.

So yeah, I like them.
Posts: 166/1555
Their first album had been in my CD player for the past week. Are there any other fans out there?
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