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02-18-25 06:10 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Free Paint Programs?
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Posts: 345/2954
I haven't used much other than paint. And paint can do a lot, but not EVERYTHING. I'll try out the Gimp. heh. Like Pulp Fiction...
Posts: 128/944
GIMP is very good program James, I've been using it for awhile now ,but I'm still in the learning stages. Its very good for making avatars, wallpapers, and many other types of pictures.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 231/2915

It's free, and pretty good from what I've heard.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 220/1779
Ultimate Paint is a good one to try. You can try donwloading it from I'm pretty sure that's where I got it from, but it's been a very long time so I could be a bit mistaken.
Posts: 108/1748
its okay now, my mate sent me paint shop pro over msn... its gonna take a couple of hours but I now it's a good program
Posts: 381/958
What exactly do you mean by "free". Try asking one of your friends if they have any different paint programs, they might lend you the cd to burn. I don't think you can download a proper paint program from the internet

Other then that you will have to buy one.
Posts: 95/1748
I'm trying to look for a GOOD and FREE paint program to make an avatar with... I usually use paint but it wont let me place the picture I want in
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Free Paint Programs?

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