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02-03-25 08:07 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Broadcasting New for you: Uncontrollable Idiot
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Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 49/569
okay dude, you laughed your ass off when we did the whole thing... it got done, and without me, you would never figure out that the thing needed to be unpaused LOL... damn tape recorder.... maybe u could post it as a sound file on a web site via the comp... it sounds freakin awsome with the effect Beo added. hope u got a A on it.
Posts: 163/1351
Okay, I try doing this project at my 6th hour class (Idea In Literature) for broadcasting so we have to make it sound realistic as possible... while one event can actually happened in a real world but meant to scare people.

Well, I kinda did: "The Zombie Inherit the Earth" and I screws up some part came with:

Me: "So they being currently tested on test... test subject now... shit."
Friend: "... Ass."

It kinda got funny until he started messing up with few jokes:

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to (K-News 111.0 This is Rutger Leonard...)"
"YOU SON OF THE BITCH, COCKSUCKER!" (while he interrupt me when the paranthese start.)

Maybe it would be funny to start a Trouffer's syndrome broadcasting instead because that would obiviously make him what he good at.

But anyway, I also add this for the heck of it:

"It's something a Kentucky farmer say she never seen before: a hen taking newborn puppies under her wing."

So what would your new broadcasting would be in term of making it sound real, yet still a joke?
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Broadcasting New for you: Uncontrollable Idiot

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