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02-03-25 08:08 AM
0 users currently in Entertainment.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Dave Chappelle
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avatar of law
Posts: 130/486
first season was great, second season was okay, and it's been over a year since he made new eps... grrrrrrRRRRR
Posts: 190/720
Yeah this is kinda weird, uh how bout I edit this and call it the "Dave Chappelle" and we can talk about all his wacky skits there

Is Spyware gonna have to edit this thread? I think im gonna have to
Posts: 196/3649
**blinks** Erm...I'm thinking this should go in the Entertainment forum? Or..maybe not this thread, but this type of comment could go in my thread about comedians? **shrugs**

Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 54/569
OMG! this is the most hilarious Chapelle Show short ever. You gotta look it up, or if you hold on, ill get the link. If you look it up, look it up as "The Niggar Family clip" and you should find it.

I knows better then to get between a Niggar and his pork!

your the laziest Niggar ive ever seen!

good times... youll see how funny it is once you see it... with normal description, it sounds racists, but once you see it, youll see why its not racist and is funny.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Dave Chappelle

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