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03-15-25 07:20 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Another birthday thread... I had to do it.
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Posts: 505/958
Sorry this is late, I didn't notice the thread

Happy late birthday both of you hope you both had a great day

*hands a bag of lollies to Cryus and TaiAnthros*

Eat up and enjoy
Posts: 243/1461
Late happy birthe to both of you.

Cryus, you already got a hug from me, but I give another *hugs Cryus*

And one for you two Tai *hugs Tai*

*skips off sining the smurfs theme song*
Posts: 55/185
I got a sword! Thank you Elara! Sadly, the only person to show up at the party was Van, but I'm still happy because the card he got me was hilarious!
Posts: 717/9736
Aww, how sad. Poor Shadow... I mean Shader... whatever.


Here you go *hands him real shurikens*

And as for Tai *hands him a cake and a sword*

I've discovered the best gift to give a guy for his birthday: food and sharp pointy weapons.
Posts: 257/-3459
But I made them into shuriken... I carved them myself and you broke them. I'm hurt, shocked and sad... *cries*
Posts: 151/219
*Catches the two CDs and and then smashes them to pieces*

Those games were both a shame to there respective makers. Anyway thanks for all the birthday congrats.
Posts: 251/-3459
*throws CD shuriken fasioned from the terrible terrible Arc the Lad for the PS2 and Suikoden 2 for the PS2 because those games suck, but now they're fun toys*


There, have fun.
Posts: 275/1555
Happy birthday Seiyuuki. Hope you have fun..not too much fun though.

Happy birthday to you too Tai!

*throws confetti*
Posts: 240/2999
\m/ \m/

Happy Birthday to you both. Just remember, at the ages you must know how to wipe. Do you? Because if you don't...
Posts: 48/87
HAPPY BDAY my older/younger brother!!!

And happy bday to you TaiAnthros!
Posts: 210/720
Originally posted by Darth Xeodious
Ok, maybe I just need to clerify.

What I meant by "Rock n' Roll" basically, was like "head banging" and jumping around and stuff.

Hopefully that clears this up.

Ah, i see the light now
Posts: 1071/11758
Ok, maybe I just need to clerify.

What I meant by "Rock n' Roll" basically, was like "head banging" and jumping around and stuff.

Hopefully that clears this up.

Take your minipic for example Spy.
Posts: 209/720
I always thought it was the international metal sign you make with your hand i also thought that the M stood for metal
Posts: 1069/11758
Originally posted by HoboConductor
Rock and Rock and Hardcore being same concept? Hmmm...wait, actually hah there is a sexual inenduo there...
I can't agree on that they are the same concept, but whatever.

Well hey, "Girls Girls Girls" ...

Alright, I think I'm done.
Posts: 172/944
Rock and Rock and Hardcore being same concept? Hmmm...wait, actually hah there is a sexual inenduo there...
I can't agree on that they are the same concept, but whatever.
Posts: 1068/11758
Originally posted by HoboConductor
I thought by doing \m/ with your fingers, that means hardcore, well thats as what I've been told by my Metal listening friends.

Hope both of you had a good birthday, get lots of money, presents, and secret things that you did not even know exist.

Your hardcore characters look strange...
\m/ \m/

Rock n' Roll, Hardcore, same concept basically ...

Yeah, \m/ \m/ looks much better.

Hmm ... \m/ =_= \m/

Now that, just looks scary.
Posts: 171/944
I thought by doing \m/ with your fingers, that means hardcore, well thats as what I've been told by my Metal listening friends.

Hope both of you had a good birthday, get lots of money, presents, and secret things that you did not even know exist.

Your hardcore characters look strange...
\m/ \m/
Posts: 1064/11758
Originally posted by Darth Katana
**blinks** \m/ ? Must be looking at that wrong, cuz I dun see it...**shrugs**

Anywho...Woot to the May birthdays!! **glomps Cyrus and Tai** Have fun, don't party too hard, ya'll hear?

\m/ = Rock n' roll / party symbol.

(Don't mind the edited by me Kat, I just accidently hit "Edit" instead of "Quote" ... )
Posts: 221/3649
**blinks** \m/ ? Must be looking at that wrong, cuz I dun see it...**shrugs**

Anywho...Woot to the May birthdays!! **glomps Cyrus and Tai** Have fun, don't party too hard, ya'll hear?
Posts: 1061/11758
Happy birthday you 2, and keep no rockin'!

\m/ ...

\m/ 0_0 \m/
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Another birthday thread... I had to do it.

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