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03-12-25 05:58 AM
0 users currently in Debate Shrine.
Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - That does it; my school is insane.
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Van Rhanell
Posts: 72/337
that's not very beneficial for anyone, probably annoying as heck for the police. Speaking of the fart sound, try emitting flatulence at an "inappropriate time" in school, a police report for that would be amazing.
Posts: 287/1555
I'm sorry...but that was friggin' hilarious.

Little Girl: "She threw soap at me!"
Teacher: " Wait here I'm going to call the police."

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 154/2641
I trust you all...
My ridiculous school district is reporting abuse in all forms... a little... TOO much...
Whee! *fart sound*
Ladies and gents... you have seen the end of the universe.
Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - That does it; my school is insane.

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