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03-12-25 05:22 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Music Mania! Trivia Quiz
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The Accidental Protege
Posts: 175/2641
This is a lyrics quiz. If you know it, post the song for the points. You get an added point if you can identify the artist as well. Let's get this underway!

1: "With a Lincoln motor, it was really souped up; that Model A body made it look like a pup. It's got 8 cyliders and uses 'em all; it's got overdrive, and just won't stall..."
2 points

2: "You; you're still whisper on my lips; feel it in my finger tips, pulling at my skin..."
3 points

3: "Starin' out of my window, watchin' the cars go rolin' by; all my friends are gone; I've got nothin' to do..."
2 points

4: "Come back to us, spiders; come on, crush my hands; let peace and beauty reign, and bring us love again like you can..."
3 points

5: "I'm gonna take two weeks and have a fine vacation. I'm gonna take my problems to the United Nations. So I called my congressman, and he said, 'Woah! I'd like to help you son, but you're too young to vote'...
2 points

6: "I'm fuckin' in my social skills to keep my total bills above a million the last time I check 'em; thank God I'm blessed with the mind that I reckon; wait until the second round to knock 'em out..."
1 point

I'll post more later...
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Music Mania! Trivia Quiz

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