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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Episode III - Good, or Bad?
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Dark Vader
Posts: 278/335
This was great... second to The Empire strikes back and maybe even with A New Hope
Posts: 168/1858
I'd say ROTS had the worst emotion/acting. Yoda's demise had way more emotion then anything in episode III.

I agree TPM had the best fight sequence. Darth Maul's fights were amazing. *Gush*
Posts: 1537/11757
Well I really liked ROTJ because the last 30 minutes of it were so epic, and emotional. But now that I've seen ROTS 5 times, I'd say it comes close to being that emotional, maybe even more, since I was always waiting for the Anakin Obi-Wan duel for years.

ESB though is definitely the "coolest" Episode in my opinion. The whole movie seems nonstop (along with the great music), and all the settings are futuristic unlike in ROTJ.

It's a tough choice between ESB and ROTJ for which one I like more, but they're both incredible.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 447/4541
The Empire Strikes Back is deffinitly the best of them all. It showed Vader as his cool self, not a strong thug with no lightsaber skills(ANH), not a man who's stromtroppers are defeated by Ewoks(ROTJ), and not a man who has a bad line with the Vader voice(ROTS. Seriously, how is "NOOOOOOO" for Vader?)

Really then this is what I like about all the movies. In order of favorite to least, but I watch them all when possible. Except for TPM.

ESB-best vader, and best plot twist.
ROTJ-Best space fight.
ROTS-Most emotion.
ANH-best plot and writing.
AOTC-Most humor, and of course, Yoda!
TPM-the best lightsaber fighting. You could see the whole thing, and unlike the others, it had a good camera veiw during the fights.
Posts: 333/2999
Originally posted by Pyratrooper
I t was the best one ever hears my list

1 Episode 3 Revenge of the sith
2 episode 6 return of the jedi
3 episode 2 atack of the clones
4 episode 4 a new hope
5 episode 5 the empire strikes baCK]
6 episode 1 the phantom menace

5 - Empire Strikes Back? You mad!?

1 - Empire Strikes Back
2 - A New Hope
3 - Return of the Jedi
4 - Revenge of the Sith

5 - Attack of the Clones
6 - The Phantom Menace

There's my list. The top group is ones I loved, the bottom group, I liked, but did not love. The first definately wasn't that great, but I didn't mind it, after watching it again the other day.
Posts: 3/32
I t was the best one ever hears my list

1 Episode 3 Revenge of the sith
2 episode 6 return of the jedi
3 episode 2 atack of the clones
4 episode 4 a new hope
5 episode 5 the empire strikes baCK]
6 episode 1 the phantom menace
Posts: 120/365
After seeing Episode # I have choosen the Jedi side of the force (Light side?). The movie was very good except for it being a love story with a sad ending...I did enjoy the jedi fights a lot too but I also have to agree that they were a bit to long...(I picked hell ya)
Posts: 368/2785
It's sad that the best acting throughout that entire movie was by a CG character...Yoda. It's also sad that the dialogue was horribly forced, politically driven, and the acting was reminiscent of a high school drama/video club low-budget film. The lightsaber scenes weren't that impressive (except for Yoda), and I saw many opportunities where a few of them could have been slashed if they weren't so slow on the draw.

I only sat through the movie because I was there with a hardcore fan friend. Otherwise, I would have walked out and demanded a refund of my $7. Really.

By the way, I voted "No." Out of all the movies in the series, I prefer the first one--the original Star Wars. And, I'm a Trekkie.
Posts: 238/11918
I voted "decent."

I'll be honest. There were MANY parts where I thought it were lame.. hell, towards the end, just as Obi Wan and Anakin start their battle, I declared loudly, "Just fall in, separate the twins and everyone go into exile already. Let's get this done and over with."

I even turned to Zabuza and started saying line for whole scenes before they even happened.

Any of the parts with Anakin in the suit were really lame and the best acting I'd seen done in the whole film was by CG'd characters Yoda and Artoo.

But yes, there were some decent action scenes which were somewhat uplifting. Best tug on the heart strings would be when Owen and Beru get baby Luke and stand in the Tatooine sunset like Mark did in "A New Hope" which does remind you and yes there is hope afterall... hope that the series will get better as it drifts into the better three of the completed six.
Posts: 254/1351
Originally posted by Clathana
I haven't seen it yet but i really want to so i just went ahead and voted for hell yes...

You know that doesn't help anything at all... You just voted before you even watch it and how would YOU know you are interested and love it so much?

Well, I haven't watched it yet but my dad does... He is a Sci-Fi addict person so I could images what he might say about Star War... Althrough, I am not huge of Star War and what pains me is how everyone jumps to conclusion without realizing something...

Plus if all they could have was lightsaber, using force, guns and explosion, it seem like they could miss out everything such as lightsaber spear or creating a massive smoke gas to delay the enemy.

Eh... I just hold a huge grudge toward to Star War... I guess I might have to watch before I raised any good guestions. Can't judge everything by it cover.
Posts: 31/222
I haven't seen it yet but i really want to so i just went ahead and voted for hell yes...
Cyro Xero
Posts: 445/1779
I hope all the Star Wars nerds can die happy now. Ep.3 was a good movie, but you know they'll find SOMETHING to rip on. I liked it. I saw the midnight showing with a friend and then took a two and half hour drive back home at 3 in the morning to see it with my brother and 6:30 pm that day. So I can say I pretty much got everyone beat by seeing the movie twice in the same day.¬_¬
Posts: 299/2999
Luke AND Leia (or whoever mystery person).

Obi-Wan (Ghost): He's our only hope...

Yoda: No. There is another...

Oh, and the Stormtroopers suddenly became sucky. You all saw how they totally kciked butt, and easily wiped out, by HITTING the Jedi, while they couldn't get one shot on Luke. Or any of his companions for that matter. I guess Blaster Rifles area bit annacurate, but still...god damn.
Posts: 109/123
I voted Hell Yes.

Great story, action, characters, plot development, emotion, mystery, tie-ins, GOOD dialouge. Like I stated in other related threads, Anakin's cross over to the darkside is heart-wrenching for me, I was deeply saddened by how he came to the dark side (even though I knew he was vader ((who IS,infact, on the darkside)). know how Obi-Wan said he was "the chosen one, and to bring balance to the force, not destroy it (or something like that)" I think (like Mace Windu and Yoda said) that the prophecy was misinterpreted and the real chosen one was Luke...but most of you probably caught it...
Pat Meth
Posts: 125/153
Just saw it...I did like it a lot, but of course the dialogue was crappy. Hearing Yoda and Sidious trash-talking each other was really ridicuous. It sort of dragged in the first half (except for the action) but the second half was all great.
Posts: 1270/11757
Originally posted by Shinobi
Originally posted by The Emperor
Yeah, I plan on seeing it a 3rd time sometime this week, hopefully more after that. I just hope it stays in the "big" theaters around here for awhile (with the bigger screens).

But yeah, the duel between Vader and Obi-Wan in IV ... is, meh. Remember Obi-Wan just basically disappears? My guess is it was because of his age, or something like that.

But yeah, I think the Anakin vs Obi-Wan duel in this one matched up to the Luke vs Vader one in VI. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the Yoda vs Sidious duel too (when I was someone who thought it was ridiculous when Yoda fought in Episode II)

Lucas films signed a contract with the theaters saying that there showing Episode III in the big theaters for about a month can't excatly remember the time period.

This means I need to see it at least 10 times or so, it's that damn good. It is thee best movie ever, aside from the original Trilogy.

But yeah, I also plan on buying the "real" Episode III poster soon (the one shown in theaters, and the one that resembles Episode VI, but with other characters). It's like, the coolest poster ever.
Posts: 52/104
Originally posted by The Emperor
Yeah, I plan on seeing it a 3rd time sometime this week, hopefully more after that. I just hope it stays in the "big" theaters around here for awhile (with the bigger screens).

But yeah, the duel between Vader and Obi-Wan in IV ... is, meh. Remember Obi-Wan just basically disappears? My guess is it was because of his age, or something like that.

But yeah, I think the Anakin vs Obi-Wan duel in this one matched up to the Luke vs Vader one in VI. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the Yoda vs Sidious duel too (when I was someone who thought it was ridiculous when Yoda fought in Episode II)

Lucas films signed a contract with the theaters saying that there showing Episode III in the big theaters for about a month can't excatly remember the time period.
Posts: 1259/11757
Yeah, I plan on seeing it a 3rd time sometime this week, hopefully more after that. I just hope it stays in the "big" theaters around here for awhile (with the bigger screens).

But yeah, the duel between Vader and Obi-Wan in IV ... is, meh. Remember Obi-Wan just basically disappears? My guess is it was because of his age, or something like that.

But yeah, I think the Anakin vs Obi-Wan duel in this one matched up to the Luke vs Vader one in VI. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the Yoda vs Sidious duel too (when I was someone who thought it was ridiculous when Yoda fought in Episode II)
Posts: 295/2999
It's kinda funny how Obi-Wan and Anakin had an uber kickass Lightsaber duel in this one, and kinda had an "eh" old fogey fight in IV. Or who knows, my memory might be plopped, but I remember it not being the most exciting, even though I understand they couldn't half animate the fights.

Anyway, booya, I enjoyed it. I agree with you on the seeing it the second time Xeo. And I may see it a third, with my dad.
Posts: 114/1858
Hm.....I picked it was good. I felt it was a more than decent, but nothing to spectacular.

Now I know it may be hard to imagine, but the movie did come up short. The acting was so-so. Hayden's acting was not very believable in many parts. But of course its hard to be believable with such corny dialogue. That's where alot of it faultered. Expecially between Anakin and Padme. The emotion just seemed to hollow. And the overly cliche "NOOOOOOO" that Vader screams near the end made me laugh, it was that bad.

I saw the 12:01 showing. So for the first half of the movie, I had to fight to stay awake. But the movie had all of my attention once Anakin began his decent to the Dark side.

Which is another thing that peeved me. I don't think his cross over was done very well. There wasn't a good enough transition, in fact the reluctance you would expect him to show didn't even appear. All of a sudden he just starts doing the bad guy thing.

Many thought the one 'massacre' was to much. I thought that it was quite necessary to show how far Anakin was really willing to go.

The fight scenes were great. But Anakin's cross over was to rushed, which made the movie disappointing in the long run.

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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Episode III - Good, or Bad?

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