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02-05-25 05:59 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - editprofile.php
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Posts: 1503/11758
Alright everyone this has been fixed thanks to Frightened Child.

Again, I got $user mixed up with $loguser ...

Well it works now. When you go to edit your profile, and if you have an Yahoo SN or MSN SN it'll actually appear in the field now.
Lyra Silvertoungue
Posts: 3/3
With all that working I don't know why its not working. Is there a change I can look at the file, and work on why its now working right?
Posts: 1489/11758
Nope, because that's exactly how I already have it setup.
(I understand variables)


[Further down in the layout of editprofile]
$inpt=yname VALUE=\"$user[yname]\" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=30
$inpt=msnname VALUE=\"$user[msnname]\" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=30

I'm sure my queries are correct too:

And yes, those variables match with the db names that are in the db, it wouldn't make sense to see any SN's here then if they didn't match.
Lyra Silvertoungue
Posts: 2/3
Originally posted by Frightened Child
When I go to Edit Profile I nodiced that it doesn't remember my yahoo, or msn screenname. To fix that, open editprofile.php and find


then add under it


That should fix the problem.

It didn't work becaue the you must likely have $loguser[yahoo] set to something else, It shouldn't be 'yahoo' it should be what you have it set as.

Find $inpt=aim VALUE=\"$loguser[aim]\" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=30>

Under that will be yahoo, and msn, find what db names you use.
Posts: 1303/11758
Odd, that actually didn't fix it.

I didn't have those lines in there though, but it still doesn't seem to work.
Posts: 1283/11758
Well it does still save it in the database [the info], and it would show up in imlist.php, but yeah this is a bug I've been meaning to fix.

First post here too? Interesting.

Anyways, thanks for the heads up, I'll see if it works later today when I get the time to edit this.
Lyra Silvertoungue
Posts: 1/3
When I go to Edit Profile I nodiced that it doesn't remember my yahoo, or msn screenname. To fix that, open editprofile.php and find


then add under it


That should fix the problem.
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - editprofile.php

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