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03-12-25 11:25 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Gigantour!!!
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Posts: 1191/9736
Grrr... I don't get to go. No money and no ride, this sucks!
Posts: 4/10
Wow. I hope that I get tickets for this soon. I'm planning to go if I can get some. This will be awesome. Megadeth Rules!
Posts: 959/9736
Excellent, and a nice way to celebrate a birthday, lol.

I told my nephew about the concert, he's saving his money and I'll be kidnapping him for the evening come hell or high water. Oh what a lovely outing this shall be!
Posts: 257/546
Yummy, It's coming to Atlanta the friday after my birthday. I'm SO going.
Posts: 180/219

Yeah this is gonna be a sweet concert. Can't wait to see Megadeth, Fear Factory, and Nevermore. This is gonna be an awsome concert with all these metal bands and shit... hopefully they don't sell out before me and Elara bye tickets.
Posts: 926/9736
They're the main reason I am going. I went to one of their "An Evening With Dream Theater" shows last year at the Pantegeas theater in Hollywood. My gods they are just so awesome!! Mike Portnoy is god!!!
Kard Ayals
Posts: 364/2915
Dream Theater

This alone makes me want to go....
Posts: 917/9736
What I love most about this is that the tickets shall be relatively cheep. This is going to be so bad ass!
Van Rhanell
Posts: 88/337
i spent all of last night on this site looking at stuff. Wow, amazing show. It's incredible that that much talent is in one concert. They're coming to Detroit August 10, in an outdoor amphitheatre which will be sweet. If I do happen to go to a concert this summer, it will be this one.
Posts: 884/9736
Hey all you metal fans! This summer is Gigantour and the US tour dates have been released. What is Gigantour you ask?

The line up is (with headliners in italics and second stage bands underlined):

Dream Theater

Fear Factory
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Symphony X
Dry Kill Logic

They play Los Angeles on July 24th, I am SO going!

Anyone that wants further information on other tour stops check out
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Gigantour!!!

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