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03-06-25 09:32 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Paris Hilton's Carl's Jr. commercial
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Posts: 1437/11758
Originally posted by Jedi Watchman Tamarin
I never saw what the big deal about nudity was, anyway. We're all born naked, it's completely natural. =/

Anyway, about the commercial, I haven't seen it lately. I only saw it once, I suppose enough people here complained about it. Or I just don't watch TV enough.

Actually I've never seen it on TV myself, and I've really been watching a lot more TV lately than usual (for me).

I just saw it once, through the link Rogue gave. But yeah, I guess it was shown a lot on TV and I missed it?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 430/4541
Really then I disagree with that commercial. If it was at night, I might not have cared. But during the day, on channels people(even children) are likely to watch, is immoral.
Posts: 336/2724
I never saw what the big deal about nudity was, anyway. We're all born naked, it's completely natural. =/

Anyway, about the commercial, I haven't seen it lately. I only saw it once, I suppose enough people here complained about it. Or I just don't watch TV enough.
Posts: 8/8
I am European... but I'm English, and we don't have that many adds with naked people in them... except one for the new mini's....
Posts: 979/9736
I'm beginning to think that it's time to kill the officials at Fox... only thing saving them right now is the Simpsons. Once that is gone, all bets are off. Down with reality show crap!
Posts: 278/11918
Originally posted by The Emperor
What's even worse is that they're coming out with a "Become the next Hilton" show.

No, no joke.

Not surprised... not bloody surprised at all. Fox, right? They're known for taking chances on crap, as said by people with shows on their network.
Posts: 1400/11758
What's even worse is that they're coming out with a "Become the next Hilton" show.

No, no joke.
Posts: 95/444
because by and large humans (and most living creatures) are driven by one overwhelming compulsion: to propagate their own seed

lust sells because lust is why we buy things to begin with. we buy hamburger so that we can survive, meet a member of the opposite sex that conforms to our personal preferance, have sex with them a number of times, possibly resulting in babies and the propagation of our species...all life is like a spiral fractal equation, branching out in every imaginable direction in a repeating pattern as it slowley, infinitely slowley converges toward its center
Posts: 273/11918
Well how much acting could one expect in a commercial, really?

Paris has said in an interview that she liked how clever Carl's Jr.s ads were and added that she just wanted to do it with them.

I don't see why this commercial has people so much more pissed off than the trend of TV becoming less and less concerned with quality than the whole concept of sex sells. Why must everything be sexy? I suppose I answered my own question, but why does sex sell?
Posts: 964/9736
Well said Oni, well said.

It's gnat though, if you mean the insect. Damn the English language.

a gnat, rofl, that was excellent.
Posts: 102/472
Forget the bimbo.

I want the car.

As for the effect of the commercial. Well, lets just say it's working. It has the name Carl's Jr. on everyone's minds. (For good or ill)

I'm just getting sick of the music.

As for her acting talent, and or intellect...

Oh look a Nat...
Posts: 957/9736
Oh I am sure they are... and that they have been for a long time.

My only question is: why is she doing the commercial at all? Why try to be a movie/tv/ad star? I'm sorry, I don't think she can act. It has nothing to do with it being "Paris Hilton", it could be "Suzy B Average" for all I fucking care, she has no talent!!
Posts: 1398/11758
If Europe knows about this current issue regarding this "horrible commercial", I'm sure they're laughing at us.
Posts: 272/11918
Originally posted by The Emperor
Although I don't exactly believe it, I've heard there's even commercials about cheese, with nude people in them over in Europe.

The last time I was there, I remember seeing billboards with naked people hocking all kinds of things, like coffee, orange juice, etc. Seriously...
Posts: 1394/11758
Originally posted by Rogue
My question is if they're showing this for Hardee's commercials, Hardee's being the eastcoast version of Carl's Jr. So anyone out there who has Hardee's have you seen these commercials on TV?

I dunno... over in Europe this thing wouldn't even get a second glance. It's just one more instance of people being afraid of human nature.

Probably, it probably is just America in general.

Although I don't exactly believe it, I've heard there's even commercials about cheese, with nude people in them over in Europe.
Posts: 144/1858
I think she looks like a praying mantis.

I think the commercial is funny. Besides the fact that she's terrible at 'acting' sexy, the hamburger is completely random. Out of no where she pulls out this massive hamburger and just starts chomping on it. It made me laugh.

And I'm going to be honest, I could go for a spicy hamburger right now. But then again i'm hungry, so anything sounds good.
Posts: 323/2724
Ah, so it IS the same thing. Then yes, yes they are showing them for Hardee's.
Posts: 268/11918
My question is if they're showing this for Hardee's commercials, Hardee's being the eastcoast version of Carl's Jr. So anyone out there who has Hardee's have you seen these commercials on TV?

I dunno... over in Europe this thing wouldn't even get a second glance. It's just one more instance of people being afraid of human nature.
Posts: 1376/11758
Wait, the commercial was for a freaking Hamburger? ...
Broken Dreams
Posts: 30/371
Paris Hilton is HAWT makes me wanna by a few burgers! lol but no I actually don't like her but thinking she is hot is a different thing I have to admit her washing that car in a bathing suit was pretty hot and I'm a girl saying this...
although I think they were going to far she might aswell be making a car commercial because I thought the commercial was kinda sad how they lead people on by sexual looks and attitudes they also need to think about kids
correct me if I'm wrong Carl's Jr. has a kid play area and happy meals, what are they thinking? oh well all they care about is money what ever works for them I guess.
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Paris Hilton's Carl's Jr. commercial

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