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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Hayden In Episode VI
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Posts: 328/2999
He did have scars and was bald when the mask came off, but he was still pretty easily recognizable. His 'ghost' wasn't too different then his 'mortal', and scarred look.
Posts: 31/793
When I was a little kid, I didn't know who the hell that other guy next to Yoda was. I had to ask so many people because I was like "Vader didn't look like that..." He didn't. Some can say that it would be awkward because Luke had never seen his father in the Hayden form, but then again, he didn't see him how he was in the original either. He was all scarred up and bald. This guy clearly looks different. Though there is something about Hayden being in this new one, I think it will probably end up being the right thing. Younger kids would understand who this is, at least I would if I were a little kid.
Posts: 977/9736
Wait, when did Vader or Anakin ever show that he could use that power? Just because he shows up doesn't mean he could do it (talk I mean). As for just being there, well I am sure that after Qui-gon learned to do it other Jedi that had died learned to do it as well.

In my own opinion, I think that they should have left the original the way it was.
Posts: 4/8
Vader might have picked it up from being so damn powerful and also the emporer may have taught it to him.

Luke however... yeah.. some one elses turn.
Posts: 93/444
Wow this is a kind of a first for it's genre....a deliberate continuity error...
Posts: 1396/11758
XD ^

But anyways, this is something that bothers me.

Isn't staying in a ghost form, through the Force considered to be that trick to "Immortality" that Yoda mentions at the end of 3 to Obi-Wan?

So, I'm sure when Obi-Wan learned how to communicate with Qui-Gon through the Force he was able to learn the trick himself.

But how does Anakin / Vader?
And Luke just automatically knows how to communicate and see them?

Not that it bothers me, doesn't bother me a bit really, but just thought I'd throw that out there.
Pat Meth
Posts: 146/153
Originally posted by The Emperor
Originally posted by SyntaxLegend
Originally posted by geeogree
well, if they change Anakin, then why not Obi-Wan as well?
Because Obi wan never went to the dark side, i think that part means the jedi forms of the people he knows.

But how does Luke know thats what his father looked like, they werent really ghosts, they were a part of the force in his mind. Because Leia comes and asks what hes looking at.

That's what I've heard people say.

Luke never saw his father when he was younger, as "Hayden" but he did however see what he looked like when he took off his mask at the end of VI.

Thus, the original form in this scene was probably the best.

Yeah...he never saw Vader in that form, so he'd probably be saying something like "Who is that freak next to Yoda and Obi-Wan? What?
Posts: 1390/11758
Originally posted by SyntaxLegend
Originally posted by geeogree
well, if they change Anakin, then why not Obi-Wan as well?
Because Obi wan never went to the dark side, i think that part means the jedi forms of the people he knows.

But how does Luke know thats what his father looked like, they werent really ghosts, they were a part of the force in his mind. Because Leia comes and asks what hes looking at.

That's what I've heard people say.

Luke never saw his father when he was younger, as "Hayden" but he did however see what he looked like when he took off his mask at the end of VI.

Thus, the original form in this scene was probably the best.
Posts: 39/310
Originally posted by geeogree
well, if they change Anakin, then why not Obi-Wan as well?
Because Obi wan never went to the dark side, i think that part means the jedi forms of the people he knows.

But how does Luke know thats what his father looked like, they werent really ghosts, they were a part of the force in his mind. Because Leia comes and asks what hes looking at.
Black Lord
Posts: 16/100
My girlfriend and I noticed this the other night, we argued for a bit wheter or not it was really Hayden or not, I honestly don't see why they would take the time to change this... oh well..
Posts: 260/546
Lucas is money hungry jackass trying to appeal to more "non nerd" people who wouldn't "get" it.
Posts: 25/246
well, if they change Anakin, then why not Obi-Wan as well?

I dunno..... it seems like a change that didn't need to be done.... we all knew who it was supposed to be
Posts: 68/104
I think its pretty cool and a nice addition to add.

Thank you for changing the thread title.
Pat Meth
Posts: 143/153
That doesn't make sense...Vader didn't look like that when he died, and even if he wasn't burned he would've looked older...the old version made a lot more sense.
Posts: 1381/11758
Even though I really think it looked funny seeing Hayden in the original actors spot, after thinking about it it does make sense.

I mean, we last saw Anakin in that shape just before he was put in "Darth Vader". So, it would kind of make sense that he would return to his original form, through the force.

Of course, you could also look at it another way. He'd return, as he would look like at that age, but of course "not" in the suit, hence the original actor.

All in all, I don't think it really bothers me now that I've thought about it. This really did piss off some fans out there, I'll admit I was one at first, but now I don't think it really bothers me.

Still, Lucas really should have left the originals alone.
(except the THX remastering was very nice)
Posts: 67/104
I just got done watching Return of the Jedi and with the end scene showing Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Anikain Skywalker in ghost form looking down on Luke. Now in the orginal it was the orginal actor I take it. Now with the new released version (DVD version) they took out the orginal actor and put Hayden Christian in. I've known about this for awhile but today was the first time I saw Return of the Jedi in DVD form. I just thought I would like to tell everybody this and they can discuss if Lucas made the right decision on putting Hayden in.

Heres pictures.

New remastered version.

Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Hayden In Episode VI

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