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12-04-24 09:10 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Icons and Stuff
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Posts: 347/3649
The one with the heart is pretty cute, but again, I like the other one better. If only it were slower...

Other than that, I really like that one...

Oh, and I've heard of FMA and watched it once on Adult Swim two nights ago or so...but I don't really know much about it...So um...who is that character in your icons?
Posts: 584/958
They are very nice icons the one with the heart is so cute I could never do anything that good, it looks like it would be very complicated I've animated an icon before, but it wasn't as good as these
True Flight
Posts: 685/5245
You use image ready and it's really easy. =P Sorry didn't mean ta get mad at ya sometimes. lol You need to make those smoother. lol And the second one's too fast. You can set them to custom times as well.

Posts: 1601/11757
Those are pretty nice. Definitely stuff I can't do in photoshop.
Azen Dalin
Posts: 167/324
Well, Sarah's been teaching me a lot about Photoshop, XD These are some of the icons I've done.

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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Icons and Stuff

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