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12-28-24 06:52 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guild Wars vs. World of Warcraft Online
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Posts: 162/222
I've never played guild wars before but I would like to play it sometime.But anyways I think World of Warcraft is so freakin awsome.I just know it is the best game i've ever played and next year when they create the expansion pack they will make tons of money off of that because the lvl you have to reach is 120 and people have to buy game cards to play if they dont use credit cards.Way more $$ then just the regular world of warcraft!!

''Woohoo...go Blizzard''(in a kinda mad accent)
Posts: 1659/11757

As for the two games, neither I guess. I've played some of WoW and it seemed alright, and I've seen a bit of Guild Wars, and it didn't look that bad.

I'm just not much of an MMORPG gamer, so yeah.
Posts: 398/2724
ugh. Does logic not work on some people?

These are ONLINE games, so the thread should go in ONLINE Gaming! It's not that difficult a concept.
Posts: 25/121
Well im discussing the future of these two games and talking about it...its mostly the same thing.
Posts: 395/2724
Originally posted by Clockworkz
Why is this in the wrong forum, again?

Because if you go down two forums, you're in Online Gaming. =/
Posts: 22/121
Im pretty sure i poasted in an OK forum...i mean it is talking about a system.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 407/2641
Why is this in the wrong forum, again?
Anyway, WOW owns, big time. My sister (29) never played games (except Starfox and Mario Kart and Tetris Attack), but this game got here hooked. Good job, Blizzard!
Posts: 392/2724
Wrong forum.

And I haven't played either, so I can't say much...
Posts: 19/121
Yes you might have seen these poast before but here is another because i really want to discuss the whole thing. I own both games Guild Wars and World of Warcraft (WOW). I wonder what people think of the two and which they prefer. One you pay online (WOW) and one you dont (GW) but the graphics, setting, time, set up are all diffrent like all games.

Now to me I like WOW more because of its expanding community and large enviorment that lets you do alot in time. It has OK graphics but I know if you set all of it to full it becomes a bit better. The races are fun i mean you get to choose many races compaied to GW were you may only choose...1 race. Now both classes in style of Rogue, Warrior, Necromancer...ect are Equal in my thoughts. The thing that makes GW fun is that you get 2 classes instead of 1 like in WOW. Now i made this small point, whats you're thoughts?
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guild Wars vs. World of Warcraft Online

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