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02-05-25 12:57 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The Brick Testament
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Van Rhanell
Posts: 166/337
*claps at toilet master for another great table breaking*
(try to {get someone else to}fix that, or go without a layout)

Some of this was hilarious! Wow, the craftmanship of this is perfect, I love the picture of The Garden of Eden. They also apparently custom ordered parts, a thing I really want to do one day. I tend to make more mechanical things, or cool weapons. In that general art legos thread, Stickman needs to post his strategic roleplayer of Lego, there's a pretty great battlefield he made.
Posts: 652/958
Originally posted by HoboConductor

Edit: Someone's layout is fucking with the tables, and its not mine.

It was Toilet Masters layout, for some reason he don't have any code in his header, but he did for his signature ..
Posts: 203/944
So thats where me and Dekker got that Lego moses picture for our judaism project. And I believe Dekker was the one who said "LEGO MY PEOPLE!"

Good times...good times.

Edit: Someone's layout is fucking with the tables, and its not mine.
Toilet Master
Posts: 50/85
Were did you find this pensko? This is an interesting idea. Want to meet the guy who has time on his hands to make biblical lego scenes. Who could ever think of an idea like this?
Posts: 92/793
And Moses said "LEGO MY PEOPLE!"

ahaha... I stole that one from a friend, but I couldn't resist nonetheless.
Posts: 640/958
I've been to that site before, ages ago it is quite an amusing site. It must have taken them a while to create all the lego scenes
Posts: 1331/9736
Wow, someone had a lot of time one their hands. At least it's easier to read.
Posts: 84/126
If you thought the Bible was boring....

Think again.... Man the bible done in legos i myself found this quite unusual and awesome. Plus i got to keep up with my scripture
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The Brick Testament

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