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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Black Rose Academy Reaping School
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True Flight
Posts: 1103/5245
Risky gave the annoying smile to Hecate. She shook her head. "It's okay Madame Blackmoor." She said looking at Hecate. Risky sighed and sat back in her seat.
Posts: 1833/9736
*Hecate glanced at Risky as she entered the room with her loud claims*

"You're lucky that I'm lenient on the first day"

*To the rest of the class entering*

"Take seats were you want, most of you should know how things work in my class. Shadra, you fill Miss Valence in on the rules."

*Shadra gulped and nodded as she waited for the other students to file in*
True Flight
Posts: 1032/5245
Risky looked at Shadra. "Is it that bad?" She smiled. "Well, we'll both take her strict nonsense! okay!" She walked in class as she purposely yelled that infront of the Shadra's mother.
Posts: 1698/9736
"Yeah I know, that was awesome! Way better than bookwork!"

*Shadra looked down at her own schedule and groaned*

"Great... Scare Tactics next. Just what I need, class with mum."

*Nox slithered out from her sleave and looked up at her, his black tongue flicking in and out curiously*
True Flight
Posts: 1027/5245
Wingson looked around. "As you can see Reaping is an art as it is improvisational drama." He smiled and turned to the students. "I hate to bring you to a close, but we will continue the rest of the class tomorrow, right now the bell's about to ring." He opened a portal. "We will come back... And I'll be sure to authorize the trip now." He moved all of the students into the portal and smiled as he entered and closed it when the came back to school. Just as he had said the bell rang.

"Oh man..." Risky said looking at Shadra. "I was really liking his lesson too..." She looked at her schedule. "Next class. Let's see..."
Posts: 1652/9736
*Shadra watched the girl work, the doll ringing in her memory... and that is when it clicked*

"Dolly, Dolly Merphistos. That's who she is."

*She stood amazed at seeing such a well known Reaper perform. It was amazing*

*Hecate watched the students with an arched eyebrow, noting which ones had a talent for the scare and which didn't. When all finished she waved her hand and the dummy vanished and she noted that it was nearly time to let out of class*

"Not as bad as I've seen before, but you all could use some improvement. I think perhaps one of the book excercises should be in order. For your assignment, which shall be due next class meeting, you are to write a two or more page paper on your worst fear and why you are so afraid of it. I will choose five random students to read theirs aloud so that we might all learn from it. This excercise teaches us to understand the various fears of mortals so we can find new ways to exploit them. Remember, I want you ALL to take this very seriously, because even if it isn't read aloud, it will be read by me. Class dismissed."

*The bell rang in the room and the sounds of shuffling papers and scraping chairs filled the room*
True Flight
Posts: 1024/5245
OOC: Yeah you can.

BIC: Wingson smiled and looked at the little girl. She dropped her doll and she started crying. Her victim came up and picked it up for her and looked straight the girl. He was a middleaged man with a stout figure. He had a kind way of holding himself. He must have been married or just got promoted, but the little reaper didn't care. Today was her job to take him out.

"Here you go," the man said and his eyes widened. He looked at the doll and it looked at the man with a devious grin.

"Thankyou..." The doll said and the man fell to the ground.

"My arm...." He opened his mouth and he couldn't breath. The man's heart stopped beating. He fell to the ground and onto his face with a loud WHUMP noise. A young woman passed by and looked at the dead man.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" She shouted running around.

Wingson turned around. "There was a clue there, she uses a doll to lure her victims in with her innocent looks, and then she goes in for the kill. Infact that doll is actually bonded with her minion."
Posts: 1645/9736

*Shadra stared at the girl who seemed very familiar to her, trying to remember her name, mumbling to herself*

"Gods, what is her name...!"

OOC: I take it she is supposed to know? Shall I just make up a name or do you want something specific.
True Flight
Posts: 1014/5245
Mr. Wingson smiled. "What's the matter with this young girl in the park can anyone tell me? Ofcourse she's a reaper, infact she's an infamous one." He looked around for hands. "Hmmm.... No answer huh... okay then.." He took out his list of names and looked up. "Shadra... Can you answer?"
Posts: 774/2954
Reiz found it rather difficult to supress the laughter as the one who did not know anything tried to mimic him, and those who did try some originality, frightened the dummy about as much as jumping out from behind the counter and screaming 'Boo.' Reiz looked around the room, and it seemed that everyone had finished...
Posts: 1624/9736
*Hecate glared at Reiz for a second, but did not yell or show anger otherwise*

"Be that as it may, at least I didn't complain that you are using higher level illusions than any first year can manage... of course it does show what they will be capable of. Anyway, next!"

*She called the names of other students and they in turn began scaring... or at least trying to*
True Flight
Posts: 1002/5245
Mr. Wingson twirled his wand. "Only Reapers can be seen in the spiritual manner, meaning only psychics can see us Terrance. Or any other manner of spiritual object, and people facing 'death'." Mr. Wingson put his fingers up making quatations at the word death. "So ofcourse Titan would see us. What makes us all special is that we have our own ways of blending in and going to for the 'kill'." He did it again. "Some of us use beauty and grace to lure those who are going to die into dieing, some of us use the direct approach while still hidden in spiritual sight." Mr. Wingson watched the class go through the portal and into the city.

Skyscrapers toward above them. "Welcome to Times Square. Now class please stay together."

Risky looked up at the tall buildings. Her dog barked at other dogs. She blinked and blushed.

Wingson gave a snide smile. "It seems that some people just use the quiet approach instead."

Risky looked up and shook her head. "I'm not that quiet a person really... I can be quite loud!" She said.

Wingson tapped his foot on the ground. "Look at this.." He pointed in the west direction showing a little girl holding onto a doll. "What do you see that's different here?"

Risky looked at the girl. Her eyes were more mature than her body and she always smiled. Yet she dropped her doll.
Posts: 758/2954
The illusion faded away, and Reiz had not even brought anything to the front of the room with him. His staff was sitting on his desk still. He looked cockily at Hecate.

"But miss, it was only an illusion, I'm sure that is acceptable."

He turned in place and stepped back to his chair. The callsmates looked more frightened than the dummy. Reiz did not not at what, the fact that he easily showed an advanced ability, or that he talked back to Hecate with absolutely no fear.
Posts: 1612/9736
*Shadra looked up at the cat on her head with a smile that lit up her pale features. For some reason she liked it when Imaru used her as a piece of furniture, though she had freaked out the first time he had done so last year. Terrance was her only friend then, and he understood best what it was like having a demanding mother at the school. She was brought out of her thoughts by the conversation between Terrance and his mother. She looked at him as she walked away*

"Wait, your dad lives in New York?"
Azen Dalin
Posts: 242/324
Terrance was originally from New York, so he knew what was to be expected from there. He rolled his eyes at the giggling girls.

Imaru jumped from Terrance's head to Shadra's. He flicked his tail back and forth. His eyes stared intently at Risky. For some reason, this girl gave off a rather odd energy. He yawned in a slightly bored fashion.

"New York is nothing me."

Since his mother was always at the school and his parents had been divorced, he was forced to live with his father in New York. He grit his teeth, God forbid I see him in New York. Just the thought of his father seeing him embarassed him. His father had a way of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Imaru sensed Terrance's distress at the thought of going home. The cat yawned atop Shadra's head, he had no intrest in seeing the man either. Many times Imaru had been called "demon cat" because of his color, the father was extremely superstitious.

"Please...Mr. Wingson are we going to be like...invisible or something?!"

Melora looked at her son and wished to laugh. His distress made her smile brighten, it wasn't that she ravished in the thought of him being embarassed, but the thought was rather funny.

"Now Terrance, you know your father would be able to see you anyways...he used to be a head reaper himself, remember? Anyway, Wingson, you can take them. I would have allowed it anyway, I hated that class myself."

She turned to walk away, and then stopped.

"Tell Titan that I said hello."

Terrance sighed, all in vain. No matter what he did, his father was still going to see him. The feeling was strong, and Terrance had a way with feeling out the future.

OOC: Titan was Terrance's father's (Andrew) nickname when he was a reaper. He resigned after Melora gave birth to Terrance so that he could be a full time father. Melora and him were divorced because she refused to give up the inheritance of the school.
Posts: 1603/9736
*Shadra smiled slightly at the knowledge that the Headmistress was saying it was okay to go, she was sure now that her mother would not be mad at her. She turned her silvery-black eyes towards Terrance and grinned*

"I agree, it does seem to be the case. Wow, I've never been to New York before... this should be fun!"
True Flight
Posts: 985/5245
Risky looked at Terrence and nodded. "I think she did," Risky said smiling.

Mr. Wingson turned around. "Why to see some professional Reapers ofcourse..." Mr. Wingson smiled slyly at Melora. "You know Headmistress... I remember being in this class and failing it twice, because I couldn't learn anything about what to do, why? Because I had to do constant bookwork." He put his hands in his pockets and turned a head towards all of the student. "Look at this class. It's their first day of class and they have to do book work in three other classes. This class was bookwork and a kit to toy around with. Not my style of teaching, I'd rather see professionals do it. Plus I've seen many professionals mess up, and fix it." Mr. Wingson finished his monologue and looked up at Melora. "So Headmistress Penslink, please authorize this field trip?"

Reina smiled and nodded walking around other tearches who had their planning periods right now. She ran into the lounge grabbed her a glass of milk and ran out to her class. "Hmm...." She said drinking it and smiled going to the window of her class room. "Here kitty..."

A cat jumped onto the window seal and meowed. "There you go... No eating my bird okay?"

Reina wrapped the letter onto Corneille's leg. "Good luck, send this note to mother okay?"

The crow nodded and flew off with the cat busy drinking the milk.

Reina sighed and watched the cat. "You're a pesk... because you bother my crow, I don't understand why you chose my window, must've been a good reason."
Azen Dalin
Posts: 241/324
Terrance walked with his hands behind his head. He saw his mother heading down the hallway and stopped. He gave Risky and Shadra a hesitant look.


Melora looked at Wingson, and then too the students he was following.

"And where might you be taking these fine young students Wingson? I don't believe I authorized a field trip...however give me a good reason and you will be allowed to go.

Oh, yes, and students if any of you do not follow directions or do not come is automatic expulsion."

Terrance looked at Shadra rather confused. His mother had NEVER been so leanient when it came to something like this, but he had to admit, it was rather cool.

"Dude...did the head mistress just say what I think she said?"

He question the two, pondering whether or not they were as confused as he was.
True Flight
Posts: 984/5245
Mr. Wingson nodded and took out his wand. He created a vortex and all of the students began to walk through. "Let's go..." He said. "We'll be headed to one of the places that has been known for it's buildings. New York City."

Risky looked at Shadra and giggled. Risky's eyes lit up. New York?! She thought. "Let's go Shadra!" She grabbed Shadra's other arm and ran through the portal.

The last of the students went through and Mr. Wingson followed.
Posts: 1599/9736
*Shadra whispered to Risky so only those close could hear*


*She looked apprehensively around the class for a moment, knowing it was probably bad to not follow the original plan; but going out and watching the mastering students sounded like a wonderful lesson. She glanced down at Nox, who was happily coiled around her right arm, his black tongue flicking periodically to taste the air. She sensed his excitement at the idea*

"I'll go along I guess."

*Hecate watched Reiz, mildly impressed with his abilities. However, she could not overlook one major thing*

"No scythes! Though it is a important tool of our trade, first years will not be instructed in the use of scythes until they are of the mastering level!"
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Black Rose Academy Reaping School

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