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02-05-25 06:02 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Turshman
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Name: Walt Turshman, or just Turshman
Age: Mid 20's
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 130 lbs. (or average weight of a man that height I suppose)
Birthplace: Somewhere (thats the name of his hometown... Somewhere)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Weapon: Phlegethon Rapier
Strenghts: He ate his vegetables and drank his milk, so he can absorb a lot of hits, so long as its not by something sharp. And he can get knocked down and get back up pretty quickly, so he's moderately fast.
Weaknesses: Not strong, no magic, and his light frame makes him fly when he's hit. He has no armor, but he's strong enough to take tons of hits from blunt objects.

Uhhhmmm, lets see, here's a little about him.

Walter – Walt, as those around him really called him – was a quiet, thought to be composed person. He was spontaneous to a fault, but never really came across as it. Technically, one could say not many people knew who Walt was. He could watch from the sidelines, get in the game, and make a score without a single person knowing. He liked it that way. His business was his to go about on his own.

And here's how he looks...

He wore simple suit of grey with black pinstripes, with a red tie neatly beneath his closed jacket, a red nappy scarf (a gift from a close friend) loose around his neck. As for his head, he followed the trend of all men of his time and tipped a black bowler cap above his oddly colored, dark red hair. Side-whiskers grew the same color down his pale, almost deathly white cheek. His face was peculiarly feminine, with red cheeks, lips, and eyes fair, and yet dark.

A little about his techniques

Turshman is the main character of the story I am writing, which is called River Notes. I'll spare the details about the story, and more about its involvement with Turshman and Sim Battling. Where Turshman comes from, a turn of the century country that is stewing in its own pot of greed and sin, there is an immense river that divides the north and the south of the country. Its duely named "The River" and all along its banks there lies a train track, on which rolls the train, duely named "Big River". (So what, I like the song "Big River" by Johnny Cash a real lot...) Now, little from the story will be brought over into Sim Battling other than the fact that Turshman has an odd affinity that connects him with rivers. His weapons will be based off of rivers in some way (My true idea is to get him to have five weapons, one named after each of the five rivers of the greek hell; if you don't know what Phlegethon is, its the river of fire. So now he has a rapier that burns when it hits the enemy. Each one will have different attributes that are connected to those rivers.) I'll only start calling him the River King after he gets all of these. I'll find some way to incorporate finding them in a battle, but I promise they all won't happen in a row. Not only will he have weaponry that involve rivers, but his techniques will too.

And his weapons...

1) Phlegethon Rapier - a thin, almost wire like rapier that has a heat resistant mantle around its round hilt, with a rather long handle. The blade itself can neither stab nor cut, but it grows to tremendous heat, causing whatever it touches to burn and/or melt. This heat can cause it to cut through some materials, and may melt some armors.

This is a retired weapon. It broke in battle, thus he cannot use it. But why bother getting rid of the story, it took me a while to type up. Here's the story of how Turshman found his first weapon.

Gateau the Enforcer (!): Yeah, this is a sort of odd explaination. GATHER ROUND FOR STORY TIME!

Once upon a time, Turshman worked in a bakery delivering pies to the people of the town. Now, he was good, so the head baker trusted him with the most important of deliveries. So, the mayor was to have a ball at his residence to commemorate a well harvested harvest. And Turshman was to deliver pies! So he got on his bike, and realized it was beginning to rain. Uh oh! No respectful mayor wants cold pie for the hottest party in town! So he went to the baker and...

"Baker, Baker, we need the pies to warm up!"
"Wally, Wally, calm yourself down! Take my umbrella... and this!!!" and the Baker handed Turshman his greatest invention, his only invention, his portable oven!

It was bizarre, and it would mean Turshman had to ride his bycycle with no hands, but he had to do it; he was nearly late already! It created a sheild of heat in up to a five foot radius, and was open to the air. It was a cone, four feet long, and looked as if it were made of an orange glass. He thought it as fragile but ohhh no, it was as strong as steel. There was a red skirt at the bottom of the cone, and a long handle coming out in order for the user to hold it, with a material on it that kept the users hand from slipping, for as the cone heated it made the users hand slippery with sweat. The baker told him it was new, and he'd get used to the heat, and that it would stay hot enough to keep the pies warm if he held them close enough.

And lo! our hero made it to the mayors front gate, was rung in, and as he opened the door, the mayor was pied in the face by Turshman who ironically tripped over his own two feet. The rest of the pies were saved, and Turshman was paid by the baker and led a life that had nothing to do with pies, baking, or magic heat cones. The baker dubbed the cone Gateau, gave it to Turshman as a gift when he his delievery boy left town, and it was used for burning people in battle ever since

Thats right. You'll be fighting a delivery boy.

~~~Le Finis~~~
Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Turshman

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