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02-05-25 07:57 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Mune -- The Spirit of the Sword
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Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 515/1852
Name: Mune (pronounced Moon)
Race: Spirit
Eyes: Silver Dragonic
Hair: Silver
Complextion: Amber
Apperance: Appears to be a dragonic human. Mune wears a lunar blue robe wrapped around his body, and silver hair slicked backwards.
Equipment: Mune requires no magical equipment
Magics: Mune is a pure mage. Since he is a spirit, he has all the time of the world, though he still uses a physical body. He has control of every element, and non element magics in existance, and has total control of them. Any spell he sees can easily be re-inacted, and no power is out of his reach. Ice, Chaos, Divinity... Nothing is to out there.
Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Mune -- The Spirit of the Sword

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