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02-05-25 07:53 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Taishou -- The Mononoke/Daiyoukai
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Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 517/1852
Name: Inu no Taishou
Race: Demon
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: White
Complextion: White
Apperance: Shot One -- Shot Two
Equipment: Tetsaiga - Sword of Protection. The weapon has hidden, devistating powers within.
Tensaiga - Sword of Healing. Sword has the ability to revive the dead.
Sou'unga - Sword of World Conquest. The sword has the power to ressurect anyone slain by this sword as a loyal zombie.
Furry cloak - Simple cloak that has the power to change shap and size.
Magics: While Taishou has no spells directly, he has more innite abilites. He has power over pure energy, and can transform into a massive wolf.
Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Taishou -- The Mononoke/Daiyoukai

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