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01-06-25 03:56 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - What the hell?!
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Posts: 397/1858
Originally posted by Skold

Speaking of fruits; where the hell is my pseudo-buddy of questionable intellect, Mr. CIAHacker?

That made me chuckle.

CIA Hacker is now known as Zabuza.
Posts: 12/64
Originally posted by Shuyin
They both consist of 3 characters, duh.

Glad to see you back Skold. We never had any meaningful conversations about life or fruit snacks or anything, but I really enjoyed your unique view on things.

No, silly! You already know the answer!

And the only meaningful conversations about life and/or fruit snacks I believe I can converse upon without upsetting any of the minds of closure, would be a quick and profound statement that I have come to realize over the past 2 minutes that a wise-man once told me...
That is...
"If you are a fruit, eat all the snacks you want; because either way, you're outcome resides in rotting in the ground..."

Speaking of fruits; where the hell is my pseudo-buddy of questionable intellect, Mr. CIAHacker?
Posts: 396/1858
They both consist of 3 characters, duh.

Glad to see you back Skold. We never had any meaningful conversations about life or fruit snacks or anything, but I really enjoyed your unique view on things.
Posts: 11/64
Originally posted by Xeolord
Simply put, it's good to see you around again Skold.

Aye! to that.

So, what's new in the electronic-community of XGF?
Doesn't appear that there have been any more recent post wipes because my three or four original posts are still here, as I lost my original 500 epic comments of mass distortion to the online realm and way of perception...
But alas!
It was all for the lesser of a greater eventual outcome, eh?

~The James


A little riddle for the kiddos.
And the anwser will only be known, by those whome in which already know it.
What's the significance of the term 'Xeo' and the number '255.' ???
Posts: 2024/11757
Simply put, it's good to see you around again Skold.
Posts: 6/64
All of a sudden, here I am again!?
I'm honestly quite suprised to see this place still remotely active.
That's absurd!
Living out on your own sure can put quite an impending mark on ones availability.
I just wanted to stop by and say a few things for the sake of times once past.
Maybe I'll go post something in the Photo-album thread or something...
Who really even knows any more...
Sanity is all based under a single concept of ones own perception brought solely upon by memories and traumatic events that develope that indivduals 'perception.'

I'm sorry.
Words of the sleep deprived...

And no, this does not belong in the 'New Game' forum for I am not reintroducing myself, nor do I need to. Nor does it belong in the 'Crazy Non-Sense' section for the vast majority of the things I say, some/most may consider "Non-Sense," when, in fact, it is perfectally sane and logical and all ties back together again in the outro.
So don't move it!
This thread is from here on out, a topic of "General Discussion," and can/will be carried on from here.


Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - What the hell?!

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