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09-27-24 12:41 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Spartan VS Beowulf Cor Leonis
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Posts: 575/1569
*Spartan Catchs Beowulf on his motion track moving into to strike and back flips over beowulf shutting his light off*

Nice try...

*Glances over at Beowulfs voice*

*Spartan draws two more throwing knives and slotting them into his sword*


To sneaky really

*Spartan Zigs and zags off the wall then launches at beowulf the His sword slashing downwards on beowulf and his hand launching a wave of Peircing energy horizontally across beowulf*
Posts: 502/1351
Sadly, as the lightning struck the building cutting every power out, the environment began to darken, making it somewhat difficult to see. Seeing how Spartan activates his light on, Beowulf believed that this could not only give Beowulf the upper hand and the advantage to strike Spartan in darkness, quickly as Spartan activated his light, Beowulf ran out of Spartan’s light radius before he get the chance to be spotted upon.

Although Beowulf is out of the spotlight, doesn’t mean he is yet ready. A gust of winds was heard blowing throughout the city. Using the darkness to his advantage, he took flight and fly while in darkness. Although it may be too dark for anyone to see, Beowulf has a sense of looking well into darkness. Heck, he can see through the darkness because of his father’s power that has given Beowulf what he need. Although the power is used for looking effectively, Beowulf would look at the battlefield as if the full moon shines the entire area, even if they are in a forest.

Beowulf charged at Spartan from the behind when he took a moment and noticed that he activated his flashlight on. He dives toward to Spartan, without any screaming noises or even slight sounds but when in ranges, he used his Shadow Flares at Spartan’s legs. However, once he dives through, he will be in Spartan’s sight. But this would not matter to Beowulf, he want to see if Spartan was smart enough to fight in the darkness. However, Beowulf’s sword, Apocalypse, was put away back into his holster before he attacked. The darkness can make thing harder to predict your opponent’s move if you are not somewhat aware of what they are doing.

Beowulf smiled at Spartan, giving a little comment.

“Rules number one: Showing off your power does not make you strong. How you make the uses of it does.”

Beowulf floats there, with his dark wings stretched out. Although he looked somewhat differently, it was that his demonic or dragon-like wings that made him look somewhat differently. His face seems somewhat matured, as if he was doing this for real or whatnot. His green blank eyes seem somewhat bizarre and eerily to look at, as if he was possessed by something.

“I almost forgot… Just because you think having the entire city engulfed in darkness whenever you misused your power or not does not reveal your hidden power. Heh, even a body like this one I control can adapt to thing easy. Just because we are fighting for fun doesn’t mean we can’t take it up a notch either.”


Shadow Flare – Beowulf’s father attack. Since the power focus more on Beowulf’s father, Beowulf himself could not use it more efficiently. The power built up on Beowulf’s hatred and negative energy, allowing him to control it without any problem. The dark orb formed in his palm, expanding in size as he close in to his opponent. The orb transformed into dark shadowy flame that covered his claws, making it into his lethal weapon. The attack can strike through a body, damaging anything within the body damaging anything the claw touch. This can even leave the skins outside perfectly intact, as if nothing damages it. The shadowy flame can not only strike the body within, but capable of making the victim feels that part of his or her life energy was sucked away.
Posts: 571/1569
*Spartan looks up at the sky and murmers a few words*

Hmm...You still are hesitant to attack...


*The sky begins to pour rain and intemittent lightining strikes hit the building killing the lights*

Oops..did i do that...

*Spartan activates his flashlight and stares at beowulf*

What just gonna stand there and insult me...

or you gonna do something...
Posts: 495/1351
Beowulf kept himself his thought about his opponent. Although he didn’t notice that Spartan’s stone grey eye, he took slight moments, perhaps two minutes or few, to take another look at the strange sky. The sky seem to be as usual as Beowulf saw them before, those grayish clouds still remained in the same place as they were previously before. When he smiled at the sky, he looks at Spartan with a pleased look on his face. Even if Spartan did want to make Beowulf more nervous or be unable to relax, Beowulf would have penetrated his way of fighting or as least of what Spartan can give his “scary face”.

“Burger boy… It does seem to me that your sword style techniques have been somewhat rusty as before. Have you been fighting a lot?”

Beowulf’s green eyes have examined Spartan’s body closely, to be aware of any hidden tricks he may pull out. His instincts tell him to beware of Spartan. Yet, he kept all of his focus on himself, surviving in a battle against Spartan. Even it is for fun, Beowulf also believed that this could get him prepared for his next battle. He kept telling to himself that he must work himself even harder if he wants to succeed in effort to prove himself worthy.

The environments have not changes yet, but only few buildings seem that they could collapse at any moment now. Beowulf have a great plan for using this as part of his plan.

“Meh, burger boy… I rather see how you can used your thick-head and can do your ABC’s right.”
Posts: 569/1569
Oh shit!

*Spartan bring the flat of his blade infront of beowulfs sword driving spartan back 6 feet*


*Spartan Backs up draws two of his throwing knives slotting them into his blade*

Your turn...

*Spartans helmet is in polarazid letting him gaze with his stone grey eyes at beowulf with a grin on his face*
Posts: 493/1351
As Spartan threw a pie, the pie landed with a bull eyes on Beowulf’s face. As the pie pan began to slide downward, the pie pan was blown away by the winds current. What remained on Beowulf’s face was not only cover by pies crust, but also yellowish translucent goo was on his face too. As Beowulf tasted the favor of the pies by using his tongue, it was an apple pie that Spartan threw. Not caring of a clown prank Spartan pulled, Beowulf wipes his faces off with his own clothes. After a few moment of cleaning his face, few of the apples goo was stuck on Beowulf’s hair, and some of them were sticky on his clothes.

Although Beowulf didn’t clean his face really good, you could tell that his face was more serious and somewhat vicious too. Not only his eyes have revealed it burning desires, but also the compassion of using his fighting technique to go against his opponent. Then again, he always gave a second thought and changes it often. Perhaps this is Beowulf’s habit to responded differently anyway. He always has his way of fighting, and always shows mercy whenever he has the chance to. But when it comes to his father’s, even Beowulf feared himself that he could not hold back from his wraith.

As Spartan charged toward to Beowulf, Beowulf has his weapon and his counter was all prepared for. He swiftly swing his Apocalypse (a sword that Beowulf’s father was sealed in) toward to Spartan’s sword, making a clash sound. Beowulf quickly wards off by pushing the sword back but he was in surprise that Spartan launched another attack at Beowulf. Since Beowulf has been working himself hard, he began to develop a keen instinct of reflexes. This was important to Beowulf since how reflexes can help you to endure and responses in a swift manner.

As Spartan shot the beam of energy at Beowulf while Beowulf made his sword wards off Spartan’s sword, he moves swiftly to where Spartan’s hand that shoot out the beam. Seeing how this could leave a little mark or may exposes Spartan’s weak area, Beowulf took his chance and launched a spiral thrust with Apocalypse at Spartan’s body. After thrusting at his body, Beowulf back off, keeping his distance away from his opponent. He may be a good close-ranged and direct attacker but his fighting method was also for a good reason too, to keep the distance for his opponent. He has a plan or a fighting method to see how it could work more effectively.

“Man… I think you could do better then that… But then again, it was a good start.”
Posts: 568/1569
*Spartan grabs a pie walks into city hall and throws it at Beowulf*

Damn...grumpy little bastard...

*Spartan Draws his Sword...His sword is the Omega Strain of Reach*

Fine a fight we will have...

*Spartan backflips onto the ceiling the launches himself at incredible speeds toward beowulf with a slash comeing diagonally across beowulfs body while using his other hand to fire a beam of energy across the other side of beowulf*

Posts: 492/1351
Beowulf was completely in shock to see that Spartan have somehow ignored Beowulf’s aggressive action. Beowulf stood there, nearly in the middle of the abandoned city. Perhaps he was curious on why did Spartan take a break before the fight was just getting started but somehow, he seem somewhat relaxed. He went in the diner calmly, looked at Spartan, and ask him a question so impatiently, it made Beowulf look like he want to fight right away.

“WHAT THE HELL are you doing here, sitting and eating steak!? We are supposed to do some fighting, not drinking tea and eating some foreign food! I also got my other appointment with other people! Come on out, and fight like a man, burger boy!!!”

Beowulf, somewhat in rages of anger, stomps the ground so recklessly, the ground began to shake less violently then Beowulf thought he could do. He went over to the door, slashed the hinges off. As Beowulf kicked the door down, he insisted that his opponent should follow him and prepared for battle. He walked back to where the lobby of the City Hall, where Beowulf met his opponent.

He looked up at the sky, holding the darkest secrets in his spirits. He views the sky as somewhat isolates place to be, but then again, he asked himself that the sky was a better place to be. There was no inference, not many would reach the sky because of the laws of physics and gravity as well. However, because of his cursed birth from his father, Beowulf used to be a human but now… he was a demon “born” from his father. He believed that one day; he would find his fate and destiny again…

After some deep thinking, Beowulf became more focused on his and Spartan's battle.
Posts: 567/1569

*Spartan Sits inside the diner and orders a steak*

Look i dont want any serious injuries were just gonna Spar...

*Spartan removes his helmet and starts to eat some fo the mozaralla stick s brought as an advertisers*

Look were gonna just enjoy ourselves...

Hmmm...Okay well...look i dont want any of us killed...

*The food is brought*
Yumm Steak

*Spartan Begins to eat his steak*
Posts: 491/1351
Being precaution about his environment, Beowulf begin to follow Spartan shortly, but not long after Beowulf threw a rotten eggs at Spartan’s back. If Spartan knew it so quickly that he saw that Beowulf was playing innocent, Beowulf would play along as he was innocent. He pointed at the garbage and began to blame on it.

“That thing threw it at you!”
Posts: 566/1569
You know i had some ketchup left over from your burgers that i ate...

*looks at Beowulfs arm*

Yeah...well both ways work for me..

I say we eat something actually nutritous...

Theres still a restuarant operating...Lets go there...Then we will spar...

*Spartan walks out the door turning his back to his old nemesis/Friend*

Lets go my treat i dont think you have any credits with you...
Posts: 490/1351
“Eat that...”

Even it was sarcasm from his opponent; Beowulf caught the shoe that Spartan threw. Uncurious of why does his opponent offered a shoe for his main meal, he raised it up to his mouth. He opened his mouth; the drool began to pour out of his mouth, as if he was extremely hungry. He launched his first bite at the tip of the shoe. When he chewed it into many small pieces, he swallowed it. His eyes seem so opened up, it seem that he was enjoying it in delight.

Soon after he ate the entire shoe, he gave his comment at the burger boy (or Spartan, in that case).

“Excellent! It tasted like chicken!”

Beowulf seems full of himself. Given the fact that he ate the entire shoe was disturbing as most think it was, Beowulf always tend to be somewhat fun. He looked at his opponent once again, hoping that the burger boy will serve Beowulf more of the strange item. But when he remembers fighting Spartan before, indeed his right arm was injured. But that was matter in past tense, he planned to do things differently now. He shook his right arm to be sure that it was working in order.

“Heh, it is doing fine. Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. I prefer the hard way. What would you pick?”
Posts: 565/1569
*Spartan Turns around*

Your a know that...

*picks up a shoe and throws it at Beowulf*

Eat that...

How are things been awhile since we last spoke...Hows your arm...i seem to recall me damaging a little bit...

*Spartan sheathes the throwing knife he was polishing picks up his helmet and puts it on snapping it into place*
Posts: 489/1351
Beowulf stood behind Spartan. He looked at the somewhat ruined buildings, those gray or ashy color seem to cover nearly every buildings. The skies seem to reveal a tad color of reddish, as if the sky was mysterious or the chemical of the air seem to be different from an average human’s world. Beowulf examines around the surrounding, seeing how the abandoned city could easily assist his opponent. Believing that no matter what the situation he is in, he is always willingly to give it a try. Unawareness of his environment, he takes things easy. Perhaps too easy.

Beowulf then redirects his attention to Spartan.

“Hey, burger boy, did you have what I ordered? I believed it was 5 cheeseburgers without onion and pickles, and a large frosty with that.”

Beowulf stood still there, waiting for the reply from the “burger boy”.
Posts: 563/1569
Hey Beowulf. Lets do this. Just for fun okay.

The Arena is a Large Abandoned Modern City...There is not much room for flying at all in fact most buildings are about 4 feet away from eachother if that...Tunnels and Skyways lead from building to building..There is a cluster of building that all lead to the major structure...City hall these buildings can not be destroyed...
You can not destroy the whole town
I am using the Same Char from our Title match.
Weapons Throwing knives, Katana like sword,Shotgun*

*Spartan Sits in the lobby of city hall Sharpening and polishing his Throwing knives his helmet sitting to his left. A blip appears on his motion tracker*

Hello...Finally he is here...

Get out here I know your here!
Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Spartan VS Beowulf Cor Leonis

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