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02-05-25 07:56 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Joachim -- Power craved Vampire
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Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 569/1852
Name: Joachim Armster
Race: Pure blood Vampire
Eyes: yellow
Hair: Blonde
Complextion: Pale
Apperance: Wares a purple trenchcoat that clings to his body, in a perfectly shaped manor. His torso is wrapped in a loose heavy cloth, trimmed in gold, with a gold design in the frong. His hair is shoulder length, and is split down the middle. He weares offwhite pants, with heave leathered boots that reach to just under his knees Shot 1
Equipment: Five Demonic Swords
Magics: Joachim uses very powerful telekinises, and a very secret attack.
Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Joachim -- Power craved Vampire

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