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02-05-25 07:50 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Cera -- The Human Assassin
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Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 593/1852
Name: Cera Strikner
Race: Human
Eyes: Red
Hair: Pure White
Complextion: Pale
Apperance: Very short hair, barely past her ears. She has a very long scarg that covers he rmouth, and flows a good length behind her. She has black gloves, that has belts that hold them to her wrists. She has a very skimpy looking top that only covers her front, and barly covers her upper torso, not to metnion that it's tattard. Theres a white cross on her top. She wears red short that are tattard at the bottom, along with shoulder straps that hang loosely from her waist. Shot 1
Equipment: Pair of custom handguns
Magics: None.
Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Cera -- The Human Assassin

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