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02-03-25 08:05 AM
0 users currently in Gaming Discussion.
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Own a piece of Katamari Damacy history!
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Posts: 277/944
Just so you know, to link pages using the board's code you use...

[ url ] [ /url ]

or take a quick lesson in HTML, CSS, or any other web design languages.

Edit: Though I've never played the game those trinkets look fun to throw at people's heads
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 240/569
Yes folks, you to can have your own Katamari (made of glass) delivered to you! For all those interested, here is the link:


They are quater size normally, but I have e-mailed them and asked for a price on a Katamari with a diameter of 4-5 inches. This is truly one of those great things that will make you always remeber that cult hit Katamari Damacy!
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Own a piece of Katamari Damacy history!

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?2000-2013 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper, DarkSlaya*, Lord Alexandor*
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