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02-01-25 02:31 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Psychic Academy?
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kyle s kenedy
Posts: 2/139
fate would control you it always does
Posts: 224/365
I just got the first half of the anime and the animation can be a little bad a parts and great looking at others.

The anime's episodes are more like sections and there are pretty much only 4 episodes which are like an hour long each. The anime is great altogether though.
True Flight
Posts: 1125/5245
At the moment I'm stuck on Aquarian Age Juvenile Orion... I'm trying to get the 3rd and 4th books. I'll get back to PA later. =P
Posts: 222/365
The funny thing is I also went to barnes and nobles to get my first volume thats

how I got stuck wanting to read more... Volume 9 is coming out in america today

so im going to buy it soon.
True Flight
Posts: 1122/5245
I asked my sis to get me a manga from barnes and noble. Because I needed something to read. ANYWAY what happened was she brought this manga home. So I just went to reading it. I've only read vol. 1 but I love it, and I know I have to get vol. 2 and more. =P AWA
Posts: 220/365
The episodes are only ten minutes because the series was released over the internet for people to download.

This is a picture from the anime and dang its very colorful...

What have you seen of the series True?
True Flight
Posts: 1116/5245
I like Zerodaimu, reminds me of myself if my sis was at the psychic academy. =P He was my fav because he would always care for his brother like I did when my sis was little. *sighs* but that's just because I'm heartless to her now. =P j/k j/k
Cyro Xero
Posts: 816/1779
Ten minutes? Is that really it? What is the series about, other then the obvious? I've seen this at an anime bittorrent site I usually go to (forgot the name becuase I haven't been there in so long).
Posts: 219/365
I'm sorry I meant the anime will be sold in america on DVD

on 9/13/05, I havent heard if it will be on t.v. , I dont

think it will because the episodes are ten minutes long... though it would be great to have it on t.v.
Posts: 105/185
Favorite characters: Zerodyme's groupies. That was hilarious, XD.

What channel will this be on when it airs? Certainly not Cartoon Network, the Censoring has gotten more strict since the days of Tenchi Muyo.
Posts: 218/365
I have the first 8 volumes of 11 and have pre-ordered the first half of the anime.

My favorite charater is Orina because she's so caring and innocent. I cant wait for this series to become fully available!

And yeah I am amazed that this is rated so low because one time Boo references to a condom...

So Black feather, True, Who are your favorite charaters?

Psychic acdemy is my second favorite anime! Love hina being the first.

Oh and who is Charlie Murphy?
True Flight
Posts: 1112/5245
Dude I love PA XD I love it because it rocks. And not only that there's the cliche of clumsy guy with hottest big brother in the world around women with huge ass boobs.
Posts: 102/185
It's funny you should mention this Charlie Murphy, but I have the first 5 volumes of it and it to be funny at times, and alot like hentai, only with a teen rating. Isn't it great!? Also note the two females hair color changes in the other volumes.
Posts: 217/365
Has anyone heard of this anime? It's anime isnt in america yet but will be on 9/13/05, anywho has any one heard of it?

the first manga volume(english) looks like this:
Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Psychic Academy?

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