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02-24-25 10:32 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - The New Disturbed
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Posts: 185/219
Evo I would reccomend that you "Acquire" the songs "striken" "Gaurded" and "Land of Confusion"
Posts: 184/871
I have never bought a CD or downloaded a song by them, but I love what I hear on the radio and on *wonders if that site is still around*

What songs do you recommend I download? (Me? Pirate? YAAARRR!!!)
Posts: 258/327
I dont usually buy CD's I just burn them. Is their new one really that kick ass? I might ahve to DL the songs and burn it. lol
Posts: 331/1567
I really need to start getting there CD's.... I like them alot I just never had the money to pick them up.. .all I know is that when I get paid my hair will become blue... hehe that's going to be fun...
Posts: 182/219
For any of you Disturbed fans out there you should really check out their new CD "Ten thousand fists". It sounds so awsome and has some sweet cover art and a remix of the Genesis song "Land of Confusion" AWSOME!!!

Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - The New Disturbed

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