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03-11-25 03:28 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Hell is where?
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Posts: 452/7838
Excellent Topic...however I really can not say where exactly Hell is...In biblical terms, Hell is in another dimention...

There are alot of mysteries of the I really can not say much.
Posts: 527/3807
In the eternal words of the movie Dogma, a personal favorite of mine:

Azrael: Evil is an abstract! It's a human construct. But true to his irresponsible nature, Man won't own up to being the engineer of evil, so he blames his dark deeds on my ilk. But his selfishness is limitless, and it's not enough for him to shadow his own existence. He turned Hell into a suffering Pit - fire, wailing, darkness - the kind of place anyone would do anything to get out of. And why? Because he lacks the ability to forgive himself. It is beyond your abilities to simply make recompense for and regret the sins you commit. No - you choose rather to create a psychodrama and dwell in a foundless belief that God could never forgive your 'grievous offenses'. So you bring your guilt and inner-decay with you to Hell - where the horrid imaginations of so many gluttons-for-punishment give birth to the sickness that has infected the abyss since the first one of your kind arrived there, begging to be 'punished'. And in doing so, they've transformed the cold and solitude to pain and misery. I've spent eons privy to the flames, inhaling the decay, hearing the wail of the damned. I know what effect such horrors have on the delicate psyche of an angelic being. (beat) Would you like to glimpse pain eternal? Look...

Oh yeah. Kevin Smith is a very intellectual man and I agree with some of his views whole heartedly. Check out Dogma if you ever get the chance.
Posts: 31/45
There are so many things that can be discussed as to what happens in afterlife, but I do believe death is also important, because if it weren't meant to occur, then death would never have existed. I just think that some people or cultures, maybe even faiths (I will say I do not know which particulars) may focus on either one too much. Both death and life are equally important, hence their contrasting existences.
Gan Ning
Posts: 104/278
Me? I don't know what happens when we die, not do I particuarly care. It's life that counts, not death. Hell can be anywhere you want it to be, really.
The Magical Being
Posts: 14/38
Originally posted by HoboConductor

Sorry to stray off the subject but I just think Heaven and Hell were created by Humans to keep public order and to give hope.

I agree with you Hobo . I've argued that point for a long time . Back on track ; I think Hell exists in ones mind . Its ones own torment that imprisons one self in their own hell .
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 334/569
There is the Wiccan belief of it, but that was my personel view before I became of the Wiccan faith. What you said Hyatt was good, I think I just found the missing link that tied my views together, lol. Its like:

You die, and enter a sort of "purgatory", where you reflect on all you did. Your spirit could be sent into a newborn baby so you can put those reflections to good use, or you could become part of the greater power that gives energy and does magick when it is asked to do it.

Yeah, that sounds right... Atleast better then burning in hell o-O

OOC (Out of Context) : People are ignorant of the Wicca faith. I said I use tarot cards to learn information on something in my life that is hard to decide, and he instantly thinks im some goth loser. I swear, people are to narrow minded to accept any other religion or faith. Ive yet to be told that im gay and that magick isnt real yet though
Posts: 2134/9736
Well, I don't think you go into the next life instantly. There has to be a moment of reflection as to the lesson that you did or did not learn in the life you just left at least. But that is an interesting take on it... Wicca has so many variants that it's both odd and refreshing to hear new ones as well as ones I haven't heard in a while.
Posts: 302/871
Originally posted by Jedi Master Desroth
The instant you die, you are placed into a newborn baby

*clutches head in fear* AAAHhh!!! So my baby's spirit's going to be not a virgin!!! *sad face*

Hmm, does kinda make sense, though. About the De Ja Vu thing.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 332/569
I agree with Hyatt (Elara). Also being of the wiccan faith, I dont believe that Heaven is up above us, and the hell is below us. I believe more in reincarnation, but with a twist. The instant you die, you are placed into a newborn baby, and begin life anew without the knowledge of your past life. This is also why some people get weird feelings like theyve done something already (cause they did it in their past life.). Either that, or if you a totally wiccan, you merge with the spirit of earth, and become the power wiccan's draw upon when they work "spells". Common misconceptions are that you dont cast the spell immediatley, you ask the power around you to do it. The power takes time and patience, and in no way can you curse people with hexes and shoot fireballs from your hands (Hexes are frowned upon, magik is made for good use, not bad. If you do do something horrible with it, it might just come back to bite you on the ass.)

So yeah, I dont believe in heaven or hell, but I think Jesus was a real man. Was he the son of god himself? No, I dont think he was, but I guess the brainwashed masses have to have something to hold onto to make their lifes worth while (no offenses, but thats all organized religion is...)
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 720/2641
Okay, maybe not the world. Just America. Or Baghdad.
Posts: 2117/9736
Originally posted by Belial
But... Summerland is only 20 minutes from where I live.... lol.

Ha! Okay, that is the most hilarious thing! Hell is in Michigan and Summerland is in California... so what state is Heaven in?
Posts: 122/647
But... Summerland is only 20 minutes from where I live.... lol.

Posts: 86/246
yeah, I don't think Earth the way it is or has been could be remotely close to "the worst it could ever get"....

it does suck a lot.... but it is also great other times. Hell to me is perpetual torment with no good and all bad.... and my life definitely isn't that
Posts: 293/871
But what about all those happy moments??? Seems like that would kinda cancel out the whole idea of hell. SOme things just make life worth living and more.

And Summerland sounds pretty.
Posts: 2105/9736
The only thing I don't like about the concept of Summerland is the name... it's my least-favorite season, but I do understand it's reason for being called that I guess. Autumnland would be just as nice though, but doesn't sound right.

Oh yeah, FYI to those that didn't know: Summerland is the Wiccan version of Heaven essentially.
Posts: 482/838
I like the concept of only being alive to Learn Clock. It's a nice idea. I look at
each day as a time to learn something new even if it's something
completely useless or inconsequential normally. It's still new. So it is worth

I also have to agree with Elara. Hell is Earth basically. And this hell is one that
we've created for ourselves through ignorance, hatred, bigotry, and stupidity.

Humans are wonderful creatures aren't they? *insert heavy sarcasm*
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 716/2641
I believe in Summerland.
It's kind of a rest stop between lives, where souls go. Once a soul has learned all it can in one life, it retires to Summerland and takes on another form of life, and the cycle keeps on going, until it has learned all there is to learn.
So yeah, I do believe in heaven, in a sense
Posts: 280/871
Heheh, I bet if Kaijin ever visited the Debate Shrine, he's chose "other" and put "Subway" as his explaination. Hehe. Yay for first jobs.

Do you believe in Heaven, Clock?
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 714/2641
I chose Other. I don't believe in hell. I just don't. Ridiculous, in my opinion, but that's just me.
Originally posted by Elara
Though in my own personal views I'd say that Earth is Hell.
Posts: 63/109
I agree with what hobo said too. I basicly beleive in what sience has proven and/or not proven therefore I beleive when you die you rot in the ground. I also beleive that your soul and your personality are one in the same, when you die your brain dies and your personality goes with it.
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Hell is where?

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