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03-11-25 03:31 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - What kind of pie do you like?
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The Magical Being
Posts: 4/38
Originally posted by Evo
Rhubarb? Ok. I've heard that Rhubarb is good, but I just can't bring myself to try it... what does it taste like?! Is it sweet or what?

Yes Rhubarb is very sweet . You almost always have to make the pucker face when eating anything rhubarb . As for me ... I prefer warm pecan or apple pie with vanilla icecream .
Posts: 397/871
Rhubarb? Ok. I've heard that Rhubarb is good, but I just can't bring myself to try it... what does it taste like?! Is it sweet or what?
Posts: 277/793
Oh god hot cherry pie with vanilla ice cream is TEH SHITZ.

And thats a very high rating for pie.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 780/2641
Poontang Pie.
What? Someone had to say it.
Of fruit, I enjoy Apple. Or Rhubarb.
Chocolate is a nice pie, too.
Posts: 90/109
Apple pie, the all american classic. I love all kinds of pies, pumpkin, lemon meraunge, cherry, chocolate, ice cream, anything.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 916/1779
My mom makes excellent apple pie. In fact, if it weren't for her I would like apple pie. All the stores and restaurants that sell theirs have a bad tasting crust that can't stand to eat no matter how hard I try.
Posts: 271/793
Razzleberry Pie.

... what? Its real.

Actually, I like apple pie, a la mode, the best.
Posts: 485/2999
Er....I don't really like pie. I just...don't.

I don't mind it sometimes, but I don't CHOSE to have any. If I must, I must. So I have no particular favorites.
True Flight
Posts: 1245/5245
I like my gram's apple cranberry pie the best. You just gotta love the sweetness of a granny smith apple mixed with the bitterness of a cranberry. =P
Posts: 645/1555
I go through various pie phases, all pie is good. Right now I'm into pecan and pumpkin. *drool* My friends Mom works at coco's so I get free pie.
Posts: 689/11918
Pecan. Most definitely.

Unless there's something else offered like peanut butter and chocolate.

Then of course, there's always the chicken pot variety. Mmmm...
Posts: 337/944
I have no perticular favorite pie, just put a pie in front of me and I'll eat it.
Posts: 618/1858
Bukkake Pie.

I jest.....I dig cherry or rhubarb.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 910/1779
Triple or Multi-berry pies for me. I love pies with berries in them. I also like Lemon Merigne pie since I know how to make one from scratch.
Gan Ning
Posts: 34/278
Pork pie. *drools* Ah, meaty fresh. Best served cold... but not too cold.
Posts: 605/1461
The reason I love Thanksgiving...Pumpkin pie! I love pumpkin pie and I can never have enough of it...I need to bake one soon.
Posts: 373/871
Mmmm... Peach pie, heated up with ice cream scooped over it. Or Marrionberry.
Posts: 345/551
come on, what kind? Mine is apple
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - What kind of pie do you like?

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