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02-24-25 09:18 PM
0 users currently in Help & Suggestions.
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Okay, now how do titles work on this board?
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Posts: 435/7838
Wee...I got rid of my "Deleted at user's request" for fair reasons...but now that I know that I have to get 500 not really that far off from getting my own coustom title...

Posts: 678/1555
I had to get 500 posts to get mine. And if I may say so..IT ROCKS!
Posts: 2573/11758
And that.

I don't know, just seems a little pointless to take away that option from people.
Posts: 313/793
Ah ha! I see now. Those people must've been staff and taken off or something...

Thank you! Thats all I needed to know.
Posts: 2568/11758
Well, you basically answered it J. Literal.

I've been known to hand them out pretty loosely. Some people may have just brought a handful of members to the board, maybe someone helped me find a bunch of Rank / Avatar images, and so on.

So basically:
- 500 or more posts.
- Staff or higher.
- Do something special ...

Could grant you a title. Again, I've been known to hand them out pretty easily.
Posts: 399/1567
When your staff you can have your own custom title no matter how many post's you have.. but if you get taken off of staff for whatever reason then the ability to change your title stays for some reason.... so if the people you are talking about have been staff in the past then that's probobly why..
Posts: 310/793
This has probably been answered eight gajillion times, but I need to hear it again.

How does somebody get a title on this board? I've asked a couple people, they've said "you need to be a staff member or have over 500 posts"

Okay... so, there are totally people that aren't staff, have less post than me, and have titles.

Did they do somethin special?

Shit yes ho, I want a title. But this is more about my curiosity towards how some people got them... why is it like this?
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Okay, now how do titles work on this board?

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