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02-01-25 11:41 AM
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Posts: 3/3 everyone on this forum bi/gay? Or should I know this already
Posts: 521/7838
Now see: Thats just retarded...So your parents grounded you because you admitted that you are sorry but its now time for ranting with Sajin...

[rant] ok, first off, parents should respect their children's beliefs and/or sexuality. Isnt that what parents teach their children? Fight for what you believe in? Well after hearing this story, I have come to the conclusion that most parents are complete and total Nazis (Not yours Spartian). They always want the best out of their children and when things dont go right with their children about their beliefs, they go complete and total APE SHIT on their children...oh my GOD parents like those need to wake up and get a grip on life, its their life, let them do whatever the hell they want to...can I get an AMEN!? [/rant]

Anyways, you have my sympathy. I understand how it feels when parents ground you for being something they dont want you to be. My father for example wants me to listen to country and start working with my hands more. But NNnoooOOooo, He always pokes fun at me saying "Your always getting picked on because you cant talk right, Satan is in those "Anime" you always watch. And that Japanese music your listening to? How the hell do you know its not some sort of Japanese Devil-Worshipping cult trying to get you to say 'Hail Satan" in Japanese?". Oh and who can forget..."Boy, you need to quit watching those femine movies before you become know Jesus dosent like Gay people.."

Oh my God dad...shut the hell up before I kick your crack-headded ass...

I like Romantic novels like Love Hina and Chobits. I like to write Poems, stories, Drawings. And my dad cannot see that me doing those things is what I wish to do...and it sounds like your parents need to hear that you want to be the way you are and they need to respect it.

Your in my prayers
Posts: 701/1569
Originally posted by Shuyin
So let me get this straight.

You're grounded because you decided not to conceal your sexuality from your parents?

"You're ground don't like men."

Grounding your child because of their sexuality doesn't seem rational. You ground your kid to punish them and make them see the error in their ways. (That hardly seems to work nowadays.) So do they honestly expect you to change your preference around because you've been put on punishment?

Sorry. This frustrated me a bit.

...How...Did you know...Thats almost exactly what they said...For the most part...


I dont get compy and tv back till xmas...

This is lame..
Posts: 334/546
Spartan, You're a braver man than I..

I still refuse to come out to my parents. I don't even want to due to how little they influence my life and how little they mean to me. Heh.

It's not worth the bullshit they could put me through just so that they know.
Posts: 552/871
Wow. Well it's nice that your mum accepts you for who you are now, Zabuzza. I'm pretty open with my sexuality... I mean, I tell my uncle that if he finds a hot asian chick to bring her home to me and stuff. My mum herself is bi, and I think she kows I already slept with a chick.
Posts: 661/1858
So let me get this straight.

You're grounded because you decided not to conceal your sexuality from your parents?

"You're ground don't like men."

Grounding your child because of their sexuality doesn't seem rational. You ground your kid to punish them and make them see the error in their ways. (That hardly seems to work nowadays.) So do they honestly expect you to change your preference around because you've been put on punishment?

Sorry. This frustrated me a bit.
Posts: 666/2785
As sympathy, I'll give you my story of how I came out to my mom:

The setting: 3 days before Mother's Day, 2002, nighttime.

I walked up to my mom, during the commercials in between her soap opera, and told her that I like men. I just had to tell her that way. I just didn't like women.

She was fine with it for about 45 minutes. Then, two weeks of church, yelling, arguing and other things followed. Now, we don't talk about it.

She accepts me as her son, and will always love me no matter what. She just doesn't approve of my lifestyle and preference because of her devout Catholic upbringing. Your parents will always love you even if they don't accept you.

My mom and I are still very close, and she's slowly starting to accept that this is who I am. It's hard for her, but I'd rather not cause anymore difficulty than I have to. We just don't bring it up.

Hey, you need someone to talk to whenever, you know you can find me on AIM. Or e-mail. Or, if you want, I'll even give you my cell phone number...just drop me a PM or email.

They'll get over it. And, soon, you'll be an adult and it won't matter. Don't force it on them...just let it slide around. If they're accepting, it'll show. If not, let it go...they weren't meant to know anyway.
Posts: 543/871
Well, that's lame. You dad really had no basis to ground you. *sighs* How long are you grounded for?
Posts: 700/1569
I told them that I was Bi...
Why i thought they should know...But know i think it was a bad idea...

"Dad,Lisa(Step-mom) I need to tell you guys something importent."
" I am Bi sexual"


"You..."This from my dad...Uber right wing wacko conservatice

"Good for you..."My step mom who really doesnt care...

I went upstairs heard my dad yelling things...I went to sleep as it was like 10ish and i have zero hour P.E.

Next morning my step mom told me i was grounded...Soooo...i am not happy...

Posts: 480/871
*nods* it is a sad thing... I would love my child just as much if he grows up to be gay. Two of my good friends are gay, I myself am bi, and I have a lot of bi friends as well.

Just curious, Spartan... how did you tell your parents and why?

Good luck getting un-grounded.
The Magical Being
Posts: 24/38
I can't directly relate but I remember holding my best friend , kevins , hand when he told his mother that he was gay . He was so nervous . He couldn't stop sweating . I felt so bad for him . It is a life struggle that I wish people didn't have to endure . You shouldn't have to wonder wether your parents and friends will hold the same love for you that they did before those two words " I'm gay " .
Anywho , Kevin is one of the lucky ones . His mother was over joyed that he even had a date . I just wish more parents , friends , and people in todays society could be as loving as Karen .
Posts: 681/1555
I've been wondering where you were. Haven't talked to you in like forever. Well, good luck. Get your damn grade up.

I can relate to the whole, "comming out thing," 'cept I don't plan on telling my parents for a while.

I wish you the best, man. And I miss you.
Posts: 697/1569
Hello all...My posting is severly hampered do to the fact of my parents being uber homophobes and World History....Yeah i told my parents about me being uber biness and so they freaked out...
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Uber GROUNDED

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