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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Embarassing Secrets
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Posts: 152/647
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto
Thats nothing, I found porn in my fathers room...A little curious and found classic 80's style where the women diddnt even need to WEAR panties...

Err...I mean

:: Runs away ::

My fiance and I were looking for the leaf to put in the table for Christmas... it was under his dad's bed. Before we could even pull out the leaf, there was this mountain of porn. Some of it dating back into the 70s!! eewww, it was gross. Also, we were shredding some documents in his dad's room and we basically had to lean over this pile of video tapes that were all porn... and his dad walks in and asks what is taking so long, and my fiance said "It would be a lot easier if we didn't have to lean over this mound of porn! *picks up video tape* 'Big Melons 9'?!!?!" his dad's face turned bright red! it was hilarious!
Broken Dreams
Posts: 285/371
lmfao xD well my mom is bi sexual so when she was in love with a women I went into the room and I was talking to them and I was looking for a board game and I bend under the bed and i thought it was a board game but it was there sex toys and a dildo I was like 8 years old and I had no clue what they were so I picked them up and looked at my mom and her lover said " DONT TOUCH THAT WE HAVENT WASHED IT" right there I got the clue, dropped it and I was like OMG!!!!! I was running around the house screaming and they laughed at me
Posts: 735/7838
Thats nothing, I found porn in my fathers room...A little curious and found classic 80's style where the women diddnt even need to WEAR panties...

Err...I mean

:: Runs away ::
Posts: 802/1555
Originally posted by Broken Dreams
LMFAO ahahhahahaha xD okat here is an embaressing story to my best friend

she was looking for cords for her computer in her moms closet because her mom took the cords away and was at work, her little 7 year old brother was behind her watching her lift her hand up on a shelf in the closet and something hit her head and fell on the ground and her little brother was like " EWWWWWWWW what is that" *points* and she looks down and it was a used old dildo of her moms and she tweaked and all i could do was laugh my ass off at her.


I found pornography in both of my parents rooms..on different occasions. Lots of it.
Broken Dreams
Posts: 282/371
LMFAO ahahhahahaha xD okat here is an embaressing story to my best friend

she was looking for cords for her computer in her moms closet because her mom took the cords away and was at work, her little 7 year old brother was behind her watching her lift her hand up on a shelf in the closet and something hit her head and fell on the ground and her little brother was like " EWWWWWWWW what is that" *points* and she looks down and it was a used old dildo of her moms and she tweaked and all i could do was laugh my ass off at her.
Posts: 242/472
Let's see... Embarrassing...

I p**** on an electric fence. Then later ran into it.

I've lit my pants on fire... twice...

(not so much embarrassing, as just a funny story)
Posts: 790/1555
Originally posted by Pockets
Originally posted by Makura
Originally posted by Belial
Originally posted by Makura
I don't wear underwear unless I have to.

Me either. And I -still- don't understand why that freaks people out... O.o

Me either, I don't get it? What's the big deal?

And Sajin..I could see how that could freak you out.

same here. Haven't worn underwear in years. Actually I don't even own any. Don't
really get why it werds out some people. It's not a big deal really.

That's kind of funny, bro. I mean just the way you said it. =P It made me giggle.
Posts: 511/838
Originally posted by Makura
Originally posted by Belial
Originally posted by Makura
I don't wear underwear unless I have to.

Me either. And I -still- don't understand why that freaks people out... O.o

Me either, I don't get it? What's the big deal?

And Sajin..I could see how that could freak you out.

same here. Haven't worn underwear in years. Actually I don't even own any. Don't
really get why it werds out some people. It's not a big deal really.
Posts: 764/1555
Originally posted by Belial
Originally posted by Makura
I don't wear underwear unless I have to.

Me either. And I -still- don't understand why that freaks people out... O.o

Me either, I don't get it? What's the big deal?

And Sajin..I could see how that could freak you out.
Posts: 149/647
Originally posted by Makura
I don't wear underwear unless I have to.

Me either. And I -still- don't understand why that freaks people out... O.o
Posts: 728/7838
Originally posted by Makura

Penis lighters are awesome! O.O



oh wait a miunite I diddnt noticed you posted...

Originally posted by Broken Dreams

I found a dildo lighter in my dad's room...dont know if its his or someone elses...
Posts: 762/1555
I didn't really know about anime either until recently. *shrugs* didn't think it was that big of a deal.

Penis lighters are awesome! O.O
Posts: 269/365
I still havent seen Trigun or Rurouni Kenshin....

Oh better yet I didnt know what anime was a year and a half ago but I learned fast.
Posts: 2874/11758
Originally posted by Rogue
I paid to see Legally Blond.

Hmm, I paid to see AeonFlux.

It still haunts me.
Broken Dreams
Posts: 272/371
well my birthday is feb 18th it is comingup, my mother decided to give me an early gift today.

well I was playing a game and she handed me something and said it was a cool lighter and that it was for me, and I didnt look at the lighter yet i was busy, well she walked away laughing at me, so I paused my game to see what it was.

MY LIGHTER WAS A SHAPE OF A PENIS! I dropped the lighter and was like WTF o.O and the lady I live with came in and saw it and she was like SARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH TOYS LIKE THAT YOUNG LADY and im like No NO xD its a lighter LOOk!!!!!

then later this day I hit my friend on the cheek with my lighter and I was like " I believe in slappin a hoe" he was like xD WTF

pretty embaressing to get a penis lighter from your mother as a early bd gift but wth it was funny =D
Posts: 722/1569
Originally posted by Makura
I have some pretty serious OCD.

I don't wear underwear unless I have to.

Heh...Me that my friends will now be horified... i do when i am at peoples houses so dont freak Shaddow or Jexim...Well for Jexim..."You cant see my hands...."
Posts: 753/1555
I have some pretty serious OCD.

I don't wear underwear unless I have to.
Posts: 446/793
Oh man. I cried every day for the first two months of first grade because I hated school so much. But it wasn't like, whimpering. It was all out bawling. I had to get out of class almost every day. They had to bring my dad in multiple times. I tried to make myself sick, but the nurse never believed me. Even until fifth grade, she didn't believe that I was sick when I really was.

I want to see Brokeback Mountain. That shouldn't be embarrassing, but apparently some people think it is.

One time I stood in the atlantic ocean with no pants on. And an old woman with her grandaughter saw me.

I took a poop out of the toilet when I was four. And played with it. And showed it to my mom.

I can't believe I just told all of that.
Posts: 659/3649
Originally posted by Rogue
I paid to see Legally Blond.

I saw them both...I like Reese Whitherspoon...:p

Originally posted by Elara
I saw Bring it On three times in theaters... and liked it. Blame Zabuza.

**still likes that movie**

Lol. What can I say? Most of my embarassing little secrets are the ones that are the most girly. XD
Posts: 2473/9736
I saw Bring it On three times in theaters... and liked it. Blame Zabuza.

I used to run around my school when I was in the 3rd grade imitating a horse. By 5th grade it was a lion. Grew out of it during 6th grade. Shut up.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Embarassing Secrets

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