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01-14-25 11:59 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Hobo just had to be a Friday the 13th baby
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Posts: 473/944
Originally posted by Elara
you shall soon lead the nation's hobos in a revolt to take over the world, muhwa ha ha ha ha!!!

That would be awesome, going around the US plundering from large corporations that don't do much. Topple over microsoft, destroy hollywood, murder some celebrities, "adjust the government", then create an Empire. THen I would invest in sturdy white armor, black laser guns, capital star ships, armies, etc. etc. take over all of Earth and then soon other planets, then galaxies and then 0_0 Universes.

Alright so I'm playing Star Wars Battlefront 2, sue me

Yea...Guys don't have sweet sixteens, we have LAN parties.
Posts: 2495/9736
Happy birthday Hobo! I do hope that you are having a great day and that you shall soon lead the nation's hobos in a revolt to take over the world, muhwa ha ha ha ha!!!
Posts: 684/3649
Awww...teh Hobo's reached his Sweet Sixteen. :p (Though they usually dun refer to is as a Sweet Sixteen with boys, do they?)

Anywho...**glompage** Happy birthday! You and Rogue share the same Birthday, which is uber kickass. Hope you enjoy it! And good thing you weren't a Friday the 13th baby. XD

(And Voltron? The hell?! )
Broken Dreams
Posts: 292/371
friday the 13th HOW SCARY ^.^ well happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope it was a good one
Posts: 761/7838
I would GIVE you a present...but I have Dial-up now and cant give you po- *AHEM* I mean present over the I got you this...

:: gives hoboconductor a broken DS ::

Happy B-Day man
Posts: 993/11918
Originally posted by HoboConductor
Rogue, those fortune cookies look tasty, how large are they?

About a square foot. It came in a relatively large box.
Posts: 469/944
Seriously....All I can say to that is fucking epic and...

Posts: 457/793
Shit. That was quick.

Oh damn. Is that a baby? When did that get in there?

You... um... you gave me it... didn't you?


Me, Captain Sexkins.

So you knocked up my wife?!

lol. yea.

GRRRRR!!! ... seriously, wtf. Who did this.


I was drunk. I swear.
Posts: 467/944
I got the presents, luckily I've got comcast and high speed internet is good for downloading pictures

Rogue, those fortune cookies look tasty, how large are they?
Posts: 275/365
That's very interesting...Unfortunatly for me my birthdays on april 20 so i'll have to wait a while to get one...

Anyway Happy Birthday Hobo-dude I hope your having a great day.

Here's you present.

*tries to push through screen*

This could take a while sorry hobo
Posts: 992/11918
Yeah, it was one of these. Personalized fortune and everything. I love it.

Gigantic fortune cookies
Posts: 464/944
Originally posted by Makura
Agiant iced fortune cookie? 0_0

0_0 indeed

Just going to stay home, not really up to going to a crowded restaurant for dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary of what I usually do every year.
Posts: 807/1555
Agiant iced fortune cookie? 0_0


Anywho..happy birthday tomorrow to you both. I'll porbably say it again tomorrow.
Posts: 991/11918
I just got a giant, iced fortune cookie in the mail from my friend in San Diego; otherwise, so far I've gotten a book, the promise of a new camera, and a ticket to a convention. Tonight I'm going for my first legal-American drink and we're going to a club (with nearly-naked women dancing, of course. ^_~) tomorrow night for my birthday.

Posts: 462/944
I'd say the odds of us having the same birthdate would be 365(6) to 1
The odds of an acmlm board messing up: .000000000000000001 : 5

So, what were the gifts you received?
Posts: 989/11918
Bwahahaha! You're kidding, right?

My birthday is also on the 14th and for some reason, it appeared last night at the top of the screen saying that my birthday was today, the 13th.

What are the odds?
Posts: 460/944
Actually my birthday is on the 14th

Blame Acmlm for making a crappy calendar

I know I can start to get my permit though it will be many months before I can get my license >.< At least I can get a job and get money to buy music, computer parts, and other stuff.

Birthday songs...

Coincidentally, I'm listening to The Beatles' White Album and the song on now is Birthday

My Grandmother just came over for a half hour and I received $100, so now I can go buy some RAM for the compy.
Posts: 987/11918
Happy birthday, Hobo!

Now you're 16, you're sweet (not that you weren't before ^_~), and I suppose the better benefit, you can get your license. That is unless they changed the rules again.

happy happy biiiiiiirthday. *dances around singing T.G.I.Friday's birthday songs*
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Hobo just had to be a Friday the 13th baby

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