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02-18-25 05:05 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Need some opinions, please
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The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1070/2641
Yeah, but unblended shading and jagged lines for the colors looks really pretty bad.
Lore Maxxum
Posts: 29/29
But, thats is you wan smoth shading. I could go back and change the shading and highlights easy, but i was trying something new, trying to chalange my self to try new things. Thats how one gets better, by making your self do something you havent done befor on something you do all the time. I think, sence its bugging me, im just gona go back, and reshade and highlight it... i dont really wana, but, you gota do, what ya gota do.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1049/2641
Pen tool for shading is bad, dude. Select the base color, and get your airbrush, and set it to multiply to make it darker, or screen to make it lighter. Or stay with your pen tool if you really do want a crappy shading job.
Lore Maxxum
Posts: 28/29
I have picked a light sorce. I was teying for one above and slight behind. And i think... slightly to the left? lol

And it looks jagged cause i used the pen tool to make them. (was trying to cell shadding, but i dont think it worked)

If showed it to my friend, and she likes it. So maybe im just nitpicking. (I always do that, lol)
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1030/2641
The parts of different shading are jagged, and aren't as smooth as they could be. Also, you need to pick a light source. Maybe a little more color and shading everywhere will give us a good idea of where the light is coming from.
Posts: 1084/7838
Thats really not all that bad Lore, it reminds me of a comic furry....^.^ ;;;

What I usually do for shading is get a gray pencil, and gently shade in the areas where the light dosent appear much (Oh wow...duh...)

Other than that I was like "Awww, shes so cute!"
Posts: 1127/11918
It's looks great, but the shading more resembles 5 o' clock shadow, like Homer Simpson-esque or something.

Maybe no shading on a shading on one side rather than the bottom part of the face.

Otherwise that's an awesome pic, Lore.
Lore Maxxum
Posts: 27/29
Ok. Iv started work on another pic. this is for a friend, and the character is final. I mostly wana knwo how the shading looks.

Let me know what you think. And also, im not done with the coloring, her hair and eyes arnt going to be white.

Thank youz!!
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Need some opinions, please

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