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02-24-25 08:41 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Top 10 rejected alternate titles for "Brokeback Mountain"
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Posts: 21/51
angry green ppl kinda scare me.
Posts: 930/1858
Originally posted by JimmyConotix
how about this one:
How Far Gyllenhaal Would Go, Just to Be In An Ang Lee Film
for those of u who dont know, Ang Lee directed the film. he also directed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

He also directed the Hulk, which I still consider his first gay oriented movie. I mean come on, all those muscles and clothes ripping. Sexy Sexy.
Posts: 35/66
Hehe.. I don't get it..Kinda funny tho.. I'm bumping this back up to top again since I just did the jokes.. sorry won't happen again.
Posts: 16/51
how about this one:
How Far Gyllenhaal Would Go, Just to Be In An Ang Lee Film
for those of u who dont know, Ang Lee directed the film. he also directed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 277/337
Long before this thread, I came up with theatrical trailer narration lines, like " A film that will make John Wayne roll over in his grave", "cheer up straight western fans, at least there's still Ocelot", or "We wish there wasn't already a movie made called Blazing Saddles". Between this and Snakes On A Plane, I don't know why Hollywood keeps making movies asking for a comedic beatdown.
Posts: 34/61
"This Thread Delivers"

I see an end in sight to making fun of that movie. Number 3 was definatly the funniest, its what I thought the title meant when I first heard about it

I was just reminded to "BrokeBack to the Future"
Posts: 808/3649
I'm with Zabuza...the third one was the best one so far. :p

As for the Disney movies....**closes her eyes** I have to pretend I don't see that stuff with Disney movies...there's still kids that I have to watch these movies with and I don't need them to ask me why I laugh at certain parts.
Posts: 1172/7838
Edit: Whoops...

Heh, alot of those titles made me lol...I cant come up with anything...
Posts: 932/2785
I like #3, but we need to watch it again because I missed the first 10 minutes last time.
Posts: 1189/11918
I always thought naming porn would be such a great job. One of those dream jobs you sort of disregard like becoming a stunt double or ice cream taste tester.

Here's some I remember hearing. A few I just made up:

Booty and the Beast
Inspect-Her Gadget
Grand Theft Anal (this one's real )
Bi-Bi Birdie
Fiddle-Her on the Roof

I'll post more when I think of them.
Posts: 804/1858
Originally posted by Rogue
Funny thing is someone here actually produced a short stage musical called Oklahomo. Nothing new.

Haha. That's classic.

Making porn movie names are the best. Especially when you throw Disney in the mix:

mmmmm the list goes on.
Posts: 1186/11918
Funny thing is someone here actually produced a short stage musical called Oklahomo. Nothing new.
Posts: 803/1858
"How the West Was Hung" sounds like a gay porn. I'm sure it probably is.

I'm still content in calling it 'Bareback Mountain.'

I like #1 the most.
Posts: 1184/11918
A friend of mine posted these on another board. I thought they were amusing. I'm not about to share my opinion of the film as I haven't seen it yet, but here's the list:

10. "Not-That-There's-Anything-Wrong-With-That Mountain"
9. "How The West Was Hung"
8. "Little Bathhouse on the Prairie"
7. "For a Few Dollars More We Can Make It a Threesome"
6. "Go West, Young Man...Now South..A Little More To The South... Oh God, Yes! Right There!"
5. "Clint Eastwood's Nightmare"
4. "The Good, The Bad and The Fabulous!"
3. "Broke My Back Mounting Him"
2. "Oklahomo"
1. "Fun With Dick In James"
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Top 10 rejected alternate titles for "Brokeback Mountain"

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