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02-24-25 09:18 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Star Wars fans; this one's for you.
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Posts: 1279/11918
Originally posted by HoboConductor
That was really boring and long...I didn't even bother to finish reading the whole thing; it lost my attention when it finally started to get to Luke.

I was starting to feel the same way, actually. I didn't finish reading because there were so many frames that just too lame or unfunny.

There were points that were funny, but overall there were too many drug/gay/dick/fart/shit/piss jokes to actually strike some form of true wit.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1167/2641
"By the time they learn there is no such thing as the force, I'll be balls deep in Princess ass!"
Posts: 757/1569
"It's God. Aim for the Head!"
*Pyoo Pyoo Pyoo*

...Holy shit was that funny....

I kinda want the next movie now...
Posts: 1511/7838
I never seen a single star wars movie...

Beat THAT Katana
Posts: 834/3649
Originally posted by Sion
I dont like Star Wars...



Anywho...yah, I went back and tried watching the whole thing. Was a bit lenghty, but meh. What I did see was pretty funny though. Hobo and D_S just suck.

:p Kidding.
Posts: 36/61
I dont like Star Wars, but that amused me....greatly.
Posts: 605/944
That was really boring and long...I didn't even bother to finish reading the whole thing; it lost my attention when it finally started to get to Luke.
Posts: 1488/7838
I diddnt know darth vader was a jew...

Whoever made that movie had sex on the mind as well as Cussing...

Posts: 52/368
Well, it was really really long. And truthfully, wasn't all that funny. I guess I giggled a few times, but wasn't great... or worth the time.
Posts: 818/3649
"Beep bop beep beep Fuck You"

I almost cried laughing. Didn't watch the whole thing cuz kids started running around here. Kids that can read and get me in trouble, so yeah.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1152/2641
I laughed so hard at this.,
Seriously. Funny stuff. Watch the whole thing, and be amazed.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Star Wars fans; this one's for you.

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