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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Crazy Things You Used to do During Recess
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Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 71/306
I hated my playground. It's always dusty, especially during the early spring. If it weren't for the drinking fountain, that 45-minute stroll into the "mini-hellhole" would kill a normal human being.

Ha ha, Mortal Kombat. I'd get my ass kicked everytime. What memories...
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1288/2641
I remember playing Mortal Kombat with my buddy Tony during recess in 2nd to 4th grade. He'd always be Reptile, and I'd be Scorpion. He always won. Bastard.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 290/337
The first elementary school i was at had a huge playground that probably looks a lot smaller now. I remember most of the time in winter I'd be cold and withdrawn, seeking shelter in a half buried tractor tire in the woodchips. In fifth grade I was at a different school with a much smaller playground, and remember being in giant soccer games, which were pretty much wars. I hardly ever touched the ball, being the unagressive almost-reject I still am today. There were also a group of really mean girls who would go about and injure guys. They took this one poor sap and rammed his front into a pole repeatedly, knowing there wasn't a thing that could stop them. I never remember actually being in many of the events that happened at recess.
Posts: 1168/2785
I remember playing Mortal Kombat and X-men a lot in third and fourth grade. In fifth grade, one day, we staged a wedding with the entire class. One of my friends got married to her boyfriend. I was her dad, and gave her away at the ceremony. We "reserved" the big tree in the big field and all gathered out there, in rows, with one of my classmates as the priest. That was also the day I got everyone's tater tots so that they could hurry out there and use all of lunch recess for the ceremony.

It was so cool! We all hummed the wedding march, and they walked down the "aisle" with little flower necklaces the girls made. And we had them married! It was awesome.

They broke up the following year when we went to different middle schools.
True Flight
Posts: 1708/5245
I used to play wall ball with my special Pikachu super ball!!! XD Then I'd play kick ball with the boys. The thing was I'd purposefully aim for the teachers. AND I GOT MISS CARLISLE IN THE HEAD!!! That was fun =P 5th grade... the days...
Posts: 771/1569
My friends and I during third grade used to get so bored,

So we would go on pantsing sprees, my school whent Pre-k to 6th grade,

So we would go track down the 6th grade girls and boys and pants them...

we got so much trouble one time, My friend Brian and I totally pantsed these two girls hanging from the M Bars, Skirt panties and all....wooooweee did we get in trouble....

Heh...They were in our grade... funny thing in 7th and part of 8th grade we went out with those same two girls...heh...
Posts: 894/1858
Originally posted by Draken
Yyou turned the jungle gym into a fighting arena and attemp the stunts done on Mortal Kombat? ah good times.

Um....were you stalking me as a child. Honestly this is exactly what we'd do. I'd try moves i've seen in fighting games on my helpless friends. I loved to fight in elementary school. I had all the up to date video game systems so i'd bribe letting my friends play them if they'd fight with me. Ah nostalgia....

I remember one time we actually orchestrated an all out brawl amongst all the fifth grade boys at recess. We all went in the back and just started fighting. The best part about it is that it didn't start til one kid screamed "MORRRRTAAAAl KOOMBAT!!!" No lie, it actually happened. I'd consider it the pinnacle of my elementary school years.
Posts: 1161/2785
I used to talk to myself. Hell, I still talk to myself. The only difference is that instead of the cast of Tiny Toons that existed in my head when I was in fifth grade, it's a whole world set in a slightly skewed future that I fully maintain in my head. Keeps me sane...somewhat. Refer to the Singing in the Shower thread to see a quick summary of just a few of the several hundred individuals I've created in my head. One day, I'll list them all somewhere. Like my Journal. I think I'll do that now.
Posts: 1841/7838
Me and several friends would play Final Fantasy...We made the boss fights Teachers which had more HP than allot of bosses...The gym teacher got so annoyed at us, one day when we were playing kick ball, he kicked the ball at my friend's face...It was hilarious

I was also called a pervert for the first and only time in my 4th grade year, This girl was sliding down the slide with us when all of a sudden, her skirt got cought in a nail...She looked at me and my friend Alex, looked at her panta panties, and screamed "PERVERT" at us...

Alex Laughed...I was like..."Woah"
Posts: 584/793
Our playground was great. It was a wooden, splintering, bee infested fortress of solitude.

I was a fat kid. I mean, I was like "DAAAAAYUM". So I'd be sitting at the top of the slide. People would try to push me down, but TRY AS THEY MIGHT MWUWHAHAH... they couldn't.

Alas... I am now pushable, and far less pudgetastic as the old days...

So yeah. I also would also steal pokemon cards from autistic kids swing on the swings a lot.
Posts: 52/75
Remember back in elementary school when other kid used to slide down slides climb the jungle gym even hang from the monkey bars, you were attempting to climb to the highest part of the playground and jump off? Or you turned the jungle gym into a fighting arena and attemp the stunts done on Mortal Kombat? ah good times.

Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Crazy Things You Used to do During Recess

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