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03-12-25 12:12 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - O.o I forgot about Mole Day
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The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1289/2641
It's not the little fuzzy brown things...
It's the Molar Mass; I can't remember the number offhand, but it was fuckin' big.
Posts: 2846/9736
Why on earth is there a day for moles? If it were the animal I would understand... but... why?
True Flight
Posts: 1714/5245
Supposed to be on october 23, but all the second semester chemistry peeps celebrate it on a friday in March. XD Anyway yeah so todaly was Mole Day. I remember moles and I hated them. therefore I hated Mole day.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - O.o I forgot about Mole Day

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