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03-12-25 12:01 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Strength.
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Posts: 2978/9736
Yeah, that is rather funny in a odd way. Well, at least you have a bunch of books to occupy your time as well. Seriously though Pockets, either way what happened to you was fucked up... though I really think it's the later, and for your sake I hope it is. Either way, there is no reason that you should feel guilty. You didn't know, how could you possibly be at fault? What she did was messed up either way, and one day she will pay for it.

Please don't call it murder though... you know that bothers me.
Posts: 560/838
Originally posted by Elara

The thing is, you can't even be sure that there is something to feel pain and guilt about as far as the main thing goes. You know what I mean by that, and you know that it is a 80% chance that it was a lie (and that is me being optimistic). But I know how you feel, and all you can really do about but move one step at a time and realize that what's past is past and nothing can change it.

As for the drinking. I know why you fear it, and it is a good reason to. Write, draw, listen to music... hit a punching bag... or just let it out and cry. Drinking, much like cutting, is only a temporary solution to a problem that more often than not makes the problem worse.

That's part of the problem. I don't know and it's driving me crazy. Crystle I never got
to hold her if she did exist. And if she didn't then I had the cruelest most fucked up
joke imagineable played on me but I don't have any way to tell. I've got a burial
shrine to a daughter that was for all intents and purposes murdered and I don't even
know that she ever actually existed.

It's driving me crazy.

Though I have found one bit of amusement in all this. Does anyone else think it's
funny that in order to take my mind off sitting at home drinking I very frequently
go out to one of my favorite bars in order to play pool for a couple hours?

In order to not drink I go someplace that's filled with alcohol and I don't drink.
Posts: 2973/9736

The thing is, you can't even be sure that there is something to feel pain and guilt about as far as the main thing goes. You know what I mean by that, and you know that it is a 80% chance that it was a lie (and that is me being optimistic). But I know how you feel, and all you can really do about but move one step at a time and realize that what's past is past and nothing can change it.

As for the drinking. I know why you fear it, and it is a good reason to. Write, draw, listen to music... hit a punching bag... or just let it out and cry. Drinking, much like cutting, is only a temporary solution to a problem that more often than not makes the problem worse.
Posts: 950/3649
First far as the alcohol is concerned...I'm wising up a bit. Had this thread been made a while ago, I prolly woulda harped on ya about the alcohol.'re going through so much shit...stopping cold turkey just may make things worse...Although...I am going to recommend that you try and stop. It isn't making things easier for you, but step-dad told me that sometimes when shit happens, it is a lot better to kinda sit them on the backburner until you're ready to handle them the right way and occupy yourself with something else. Trying to stop with the alcohol (it's not bad really, but when you're depressed and ready to drink everyone under the table, then it may pose a problem)...but it'll be a challenge for you and something for you to set your mind to. You're in 100% control of yourself. Can't control everything in life that happens around you, but you can control yourself. So...if you do work on that a bit, hopefully it'll give you a sense of accomplishment and things like that. Even one good feeling among thousands of bad ones can help give you the ambition to get over things.

Strength...the title of your thread. You'll be okay Pockets. Shit happens. Shit happens to everyone...and look around...there are so many things that people get to an old person. Not to be silly with that remark or anything...but the old people of our world have been through so to someone like that and ask them how they felt when experiencing certain things. They'll mostlikely tell you they felt like the world was going to end...but there they are, in tact and okay.
Posts: 2226/7838
Alot of epople are going to tell you that drinking is bad for you...But, im not exactly going to say that because its your life and you only live once...

But seriously, I know its hard to not think of the things your thinking, I know this because I was there about 2 weeks ago...Cept not about girlfriends and stuff...Just try to thinik positive thoughts and avoid drinking...The last thing you need is to have a thought in your mind mixed in with alcohol...Those lead to terriable effects...

Try also talking to people IRL, have a sit-down with them, tell them how they really feel...Whatever it is you want to find out, dont give up untill you find the answer...Just be careful of 2 things...

1: The Truth hurts

2: Dont believe EVERYTHING you hear
Posts: 559/838
Ok... so what is one expected to do when the only thing they can think of to do
to quiet the guilt and pain is to get blind drunk? The only time I don't feel like I
really want a very strong drink is when I'm with my girlfriend. Guilty about
something I shouldn't feel guilty about. Pain there's nothing I can really do to get
over or anything.

I just feel like shit.

Stressed out about a lot of random shit, guilt and pain as I've mentioned. Anger,
frustration and insomnia. It's nearly one in the morning, I have to be up and getting
ready to go to work by 5 and I don't feel like sleeping. Not that I couldn't if I tried I
just don't WANT to. But right now I do really want to pour a good rum and coke.

Fuck it.

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