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03-11-25 03:28 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Holy crap my trip owned!!!
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Posts: 47/51
Sajin u look angry as hell on that ride lol. and Trigger... well Trigger looks very very calm. i hate rollercoasters, i have motion sickness (i inherited it from my dad, argh). anyway the way u guys were describing the trip, it sounded fun.
Posts: 1089/1567
heh, it's kind of funny considering that my senior class will be going to the six flags down around san francisco next friday..

it's going to be awsome... hopefully I will be able to meet my friend sarah and her mom down there since she couldnt come up for prom..
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 183/306
Acrophobia sucked. If it had a gimick, it would be something like this:

"Wanna know how it feels to rush toward the earth at terminal velocity?"

To me, the Mindbender was one of the best.

Posts: 2455/7838
To this day I am still wondering where all the fucking basketballs came from...Just about EVERYONE had one...It bugged me to hear everyone bouncing those things...>.< ;;;

Me and Trigger was looking where all of them balls came from...and WE COUDLENT FIND THEM!!!


Originally posted by Trigger
Oh, you've been counting, Sajin? Well, guess how many said your hair was cool?

34. And they're likely telling their little friends, so you're looking at well over 100 of their peeps.

Yeah, I kinda liked the attention...alot of cute girls were talking to me that day telling me how awesome my hair was

I think Alex got more attention tho...he was straight up GANGSTA!!! DID YOU SEE THE GIRL HE WAS WITH OMG!!!!!
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 180/306
Originally posted by Xeo
Originally posted by Master Sajin
Originally posted by Xeo
You look like you pooped your pants.

OH MY GOD! Everyone who saw that picture said the EXACT sme ting...Congrats, your the 29th person who said that...(Yeah, I counted)

Trigger's mom said he looked like he was going to have a stroke!!!!

Yeah, that or he looks like he's about to lose some lunch.

I didn't... In fact, I think we ate lunch.

The picture isn't all that flattering, is it?

Oh, you've been counting, Sajin? Well, guess how many said your hair was cool?

34. And they're likely telling their little friends, so you're looking at well over 100 of their peeps.
Posts: 2440/7838

I knew I forgot to add something in that post...

But the last, and by far the MOST FUN of all the roller coasters, was the newest one called The Goliath...and its called that for a reason...Its huge

Basicially this ROller coaster is the mother of all coasters, its so big, that it extends BEYOND the theme park...

Everywhere you go, you will hear people screaming close to about 10 feet away from you from people riding the goliath...The tracks are everywhere, inclusing near the walkways of where you can even get a closeup of the people yelling from certain areas of the theme park....Did I ride it?

Hell yeah I did!

At first I was seriously afraid to ride it, because the first frop was going straight down...and you are like super high in the air, higher than the arachnophobua...

Sure its big, and its so fast, its over in about 45 seconds, but you will swear it lasts about 3 miunites...At least, thats what I calculated...untill I rode in it...

The entire time I rode in it I was screaming "OH YEAH BABY! COME ON! BRING IT ON!" and so forth...people behind me were saying the same thing....

Before I rode in it for the first time, there were 3 girls in front of us saying how they dont want to ride in it...But I focused on the people leaving the ride...The people entering were super-scared to ride in it...the people getting off were wanting to ride in it again!

And also theres a warning saying before you latch down, you can not say that you dont want to ride in the ride...once your locked in, you have to ride in soon as I heard that, I slammed my hands down the latch and yelled "Bring it on"...about 7 people left the ride saying "Screw that"....Thats how scary it was....

My motivation in riding that ride was to brag to my sister that I rode in it...shes always telling me on how Six flags is fun and that she wants me to go with the time I was afraid to set foot in a roller coaster...but One thing kept repeting in my mind "You only get to live once"...thats what made me get on those rides and have a great time...

If I were to get on any ride again, it would be the Superman, and the Goliath...I am so going again before I go to Paris...
Posts: 59/75
i take it the Goliath wasnt opened yet when you went there huh? the goliath is pretty fun no loops or corscrews but still,

the last time i went there i almost fell asleep on the scorcher roller coasters arent as exiting after you go bungie jumping.

btw ill take thirtieth in saying the bathroom is for crapping not roller coasters
Posts: 3611/11758
Originally posted by Master Sajin
Originally posted by Xeo
You look like you pooped your pants.

OH MY GOD! Everyone who saw that picture said the EXACT sme ting...Congrats, your the 29th person who said that...(Yeah, I counted)

Trigger's mom said he looked like he was going to have a stroke!!!!

Yeah, that or he looks like he's about to lose some lunch.
Posts: 2436/7838
Originally posted by Xeo
You look like you pooped your pants.

OH MY GOD! Everyone who saw that picture said the EXACT sme ting...Congrats, your the 29th person who said that...(Yeah, I counted)

Trigger's mom said he looked like he was going to have a stroke!!!!
Posts: 3610/11758
You look like you pooped your pants.

Yeah, I've been to Six Flags a ton of times (we always pay a visit when we go up to Chicago to visit family).

I remember the first Rollar Coaster I rode there was horrible, and it was my first Rollar Coaster ride. It was so jumpy, and I bit my lip pretty badly. After that though I went on the other rides that were much better.

The Batman was great, but with your feet hanging out ... it felt pretty weird at times.

Definitely a fun place.
Posts: 2435/7838
Well, The school that I go to had a senior trip to an amusement park called Six Flags: A major Amusement park funded by warner brothers.

Might I say that it owned...seriously, it was a first for many things for me...including riding a roller coaster for the first time!

It starts out at about 8:00 in the morning when I first arrived there. I would say there were close to about 17 people who went to this trip...Anyways, I ate breakfast, talked with the teachers that were going, and conversing on how awesome this was with Trigger Happy...

At about 10:00 we finally made it there. Already me and one of my friends, Alex, was already starting to get attention. He was wearing a mowhawk, and me with my pink hair. When we got the the gates, two girls in bikinis wanted to take a picture of both of us...I blushed pretty bad

And then I entered the gates...There was hardly no one there....The lines were so small, by the time you wanted to enter a ride, your riding in it!

My first ride was Acrophobia...Basicially this ride is pretty simple as the name implies...Fear of Heights....Basicially you are strapped down into the restraints, and your slowly brought up waaayyyyyy in the sky....and meanwhile the seats lean downward, forcing you to look at the ground...And then about 30 seconds of waiting, it DROPS you at an amazing speed, and finally stops you before you hit the ground....Everyone was laughing at me when I said "OH GOD" out loud and kissed the ground when they let me off....everyone was applauding, clapping and laughing...Once again I blushed...

The next ride was Some sort of train ride...nothing special cept sharp turns....Meh....

The next ride was called The superman, Basicially at first you sit down into the restraint...before you take off, it makes it to where your laying it makes it look like your flying like superman...THis ride was the MOST fun...and a picture of me and Trigger riding this ride is shown below...

Next ride was The American scream was the first roller coaster built at the Six Flag amusement park...not much is to say here rather than it was made of wooden restraints, metal rails, and was fairly bumpy....

The Georgia Scorcher, Mind bender, The Ninja, and The Batman...Crazy spins, loops, and scary dark pits...Just like any roller coaster, they were all fun...

The superman was the first roller coaster I have ever been on in my life...Would I do it again?

You tell me...that picture is me and Trigger on The Superman...
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Holy crap my trip owned!!!

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