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03-11-25 03:31 PM
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Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 935/4541
Thanks Katana.

Anyway every, I got TES IV: Oblivion, Warcraft 3 battlechest, a rubix cube, and xbox controller, and a book, Blackcollar: The Judas Solution.
Posts: 990/3649
**was away all weekend** :p's odd...May, October...and a few other months...there always seems to be a lot of birthdays in those months...

Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 933/4541
Yeah, I told one of my friends that if it wasn't posted, I was going to pretend to be going through psychological trauma, a depression, and a lot of other things.

Thanks to those who did respond to what I was forced to post though. We're celebrating it tonight, I might bother to tell you all what I'm getting.
Posts: 2703/7838
Originally posted by Elara
You want to know what I find hilarious about that Saijin? My latest character is a human priest on Emerald Dream (RPPVP server), and her backstory IS that her mother was a Palladin.

RP servers are too compliCATED...its cool that your on PVP tho, PvE is booring as mess...

BOT- Well Vulkar, dont feel bad. I remember no one noticed my birthday...Diddnt make a thread or anything so...
Posts: 3073/9736
You want to know what I find hilarious about that Saijin? My latest character is a human priest on Emerald Dream (RPPVP server), and her backstory IS that her mother was a Palladin.

But yeah, between WoW and finals I haven't been having time to really notice birthdays.
Posts: 504/546
I'll be honest, I didn't notice.
Posts: 2698/7838
I play WoW and I still go on mad posting sprees here....

[Your Mom's a Palidan]

Fucking Palis....Alliance are bastards
Posts: 3068/9736
Happy birthday! Sorry, I've been captured by the forces of Stormwind and made to play WoW constantly. Hope you had fun today!!
Posts: 2695/7838
Well I noticed, I was tierd of being the first in making B-day threads...I need to give other users here a chance to shine...I mean, I did Katana's, Spyware's, and someone elses....

Anyways, your birthday present from me is a question asked in the interview....(Finally)

And....A new and improved Madcat Xrlz

Sorry...I couldent afford a colossis...However I really would like an andamiro tho...
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 218/306
Happy birthday!

Sorry about the one-liner.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 929/4541
It's my birthday everyone, I'll be lame and announce it.

BTW, if anyone else makes a thread while I'm doing this, too bad for them.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Thanks for noticing!

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