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03-14-25 04:21 PM
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Posts: 1945/11918
Yeah, I went in to pre-reg on Friday night and it took literally 2 minutes to get my badge. The only reason it took "so long" was it takes a bit to walk all the way to the end of the hallway.

So far this year's been interesting, in a sense. They doubled the size of the exhibit hall, but it still feels just as cluster fucked with the people.

I decided to volunteer since if you complete a certain number of hours, they reimburse the cost of your badge. I figure why not? They give you 2 meals a day and if you get your hours early enough, the rest of the con is free and you get your money back.

But damn, it seems like there are A LOT of Tifas this year.
avatar of law
Posts: 385/486
eh, i lied, i did go on friday to get my badge holder early. i figured i was already there, and since i didnt wanna pay for parking, i got another friend, who was already there, to drive me there.

AMV's this year, sucked. the comedy part, was not comedic in any sense.

i thought the AX Idols was rigged. the winner of the voice over, had the easiest lines. the singer sang in english which i thought was unfair since the most of the judges didnt have any interest in the japanese culture. plus, precident was made from the last two year's winners, who sang prefectly in japanese and even wrote new japanese songs for this year.

anyways.... Masquerade tommor... don't fail me! but then again, it's been sucking each year. like last year, around 10 group dropped =/ DONT FAIL ME PLEASE!

but yeah, i'm totally gonna line up at 8am tommor for masquerade tix lol i wanna be the first in line!
Posts: 1939/11918
Yeah, I got mine in the mail a few weeks ago. I was thinking of going today to get the holder, but lack of a ride is proving to be the problem with that. I'll probably go early tomorrow, but I'm sure the line will still be HUGE.

Hopefully the line will fly unlike the usual pre-reg line.

I think I'm going to spend tomorrow browsing and watching anime, and maybe photographing cosplayers. I'm VERY sure Man-Faye'll be there, even though they have a life ban on him. He still stands in front of the convention center, rallying followers for his Million Man-Faye March. *shrugs*

Also spend tomorrow mapping out my plans for the next few days.

This is my first time completely doing AX alone, despite the fact that I usually go around the con on my own without the other person(s), most of the time, anyway.

I heard if you want anything signed by CLAMP, you have to attend one of the special panels and get a ticket or something from there.

I'll see how it all goes.
avatar of law
Posts: 384/486
can i double post?

but yeah, i think this deserves a bump. it's one day away! I GOT MY DAMN BADGE IN THE MAIL!


scratch my plans of going on friday to get my badge holder early. even tho i'll already be in anaheim for something else, i'm not gonna swing by. i actually thought of something yesterday. i do NOT want to pay the extra $9 parking -.-' just to pick up my thing early...
avatar of law
Posts: 364/486

$50(admission)+$30(gas from LB to A)+8(parking unless the price was bumped again)X4(days)+$36( or more,food)= lots of money, and that's just the requirements
Posts: 1789/11918
I'm actually amazed that AX finally got an ad agency who put out those bus ads BEFORE AX, rather than after like in past years.

Yeah, if you registered before Wednesday, you're supposed to have your badge mailed to you. They mail you a badge, a bar code, and you have to get some special badge holder to "complete the puzzle" in order to get in this year.

I'm completely sick of the reg lines of AX. I'm sick of AX's old system of registration all together. They hired out last year and got people who didn't know jack about what they were doing. My friend, Patrick, didn't pre-reg and did on-site. After getting help to type out a few things, they finally processed his application and printed out his badge to say "Patricia."

I'll probably be at pre-reg, Friday, to get the badge holder and not have to worry about it on the first day.

Still... what a freakin' stupid con schedule. Saturday to Tuesday. Good grief.

We'll see what's going on. Looks like CLAMP is the major guest of honor.

Yay, 24-hour video rooms.
avatar of law
Posts: 360/486
well, i finally reg-ed two days ago, but yeah, today is the last day to do the pre-paid pre reg, if you want to go to that line.

i dunno, it's really weird this year. a freaking sat -.-' blah... that really ruins everything. but w/e... this'll be my 6th year.

i'm planning on getting my badge a day early on friday, since i'll be in anaheim anyways. plus it'll be easier, since i wont have'ta wait for it on the real day, which is a plus because there's a magic turny around 10am, and sign ups are around 8 or w/e, so i wont miss it .

but yes, i'm pretty much broke this year guess i'll have'ta borrow some =/
Posts: 1022/3649
Originally posted by FX114

That was only three letters.

Originally posted by FX114
"i want to go to e3"?

That's better, but still spammy. Just simply stating something like that and not saying why is spammy. Stuff like spam are a bit more laxed in forums like The Asylum cuz that's just our crazy forum. ('course the spam'ish'ness is still within reason even there)

Anywho...E3...I think I'd die happy if I had a chance to go for anime conventions...there's the Otakon(sp?) in Baltimore every year....and we're having an anime convention here in Philadelphia in October. I can actually go...and of course I'll be there all dressed up. Teehee.

(I didn't really check the link you guys put up, so may have already been listed there. )
Posts: 66/3775
how is that spam? they were talking about different conventions. was the manner that i said it? should i have said "i want to go to e3"?
Posts: 3154/9736
That was spam FX, please re-read the FAQs. Thank you.

Anywho, I want to go, but also lack the funds. Venomouslobster actually mentioned it today after seeing a bus advertisement, offering to pay my way in even... but he doesn't really have the funds either. Sucks to be honest.
Posts: 64/3775
Posts: 1784/11918
Originally posted by WhiteRose
I saw an advertisment for this on a bus and I want to go, but I lack funds and money. I've yet to actually go to any sort of con and would be cool if I could go, but alas, it's not ment to be. If any of you go, I want pictures of what I missed.

If only you could go to Comic-Con, the biggest and greatest con of them all. I'm going next month with Zabuza. It's the weekend after Labyrinth Masquerade.

That would be a great one to pop your con cherry at.
Posts: 835/1461
I saw an advertisment for this on a bus and I want to go, but I lack funds and money. I've yet to actually go to any sort of con and would be cool if I could go, but alas, it's not ment to be. If any of you go, I want pictures of what I missed.
Posts: 1781/11918
I've been going for at least the last 5 years and expect to be going this year as well, but as a fan and not an exhibitor or press.

Here's the official site:

I think it's the stupidest planning for a con, this year, though--Saturday through Tuesday. Anime Expo usually runs Thursday through Sunday, a much wiser con schedule, but they traditionally run the weekend of the 4th of July.

I don't know why they're sticking to this, though since the guy who made that tradition had a falling out with his friend who's continuing the convention these days and that first guy went on to create PMX, now in its third year.

Con politics aside, I hope AX cleans up its act with their poor registration-handling.

It's a really good cosplay con. You get the best, the worst and the Man-Faye (who will probably be rallying in front of the convention center again this year).

Lots to do, 24-hour anime screening rooms, raves, nice exhibit hall, the works. You get all types there.
Posts: 953/1555
There's an Anime Expo from Saturday July 1-4

I was just wondering if anyone was planning on going. As of now I don't really have anyone to go with except Pockets whom I haven't asked yet. Anyone else from the LBCC clan interested?
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