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02-05-25 05:59 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Cartoons and shows you used to love after school and Saturday morning
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Azen Dalin
Posts: 268/324
I'm posting stuff that affected my childhood...because I don't remember what came before I started school.

Ronin Warriors
Gundam Wing
X-men original*
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (GO MICHEAL ANGELO! GO!)
Tiny Toons*
Weekenders (I still watch that )
All That*
Alex Mac*
Are You Afraid of the Dark*
Rockos Modern Life*
Ren and Stempy* (I still cringe)
Power Rangers*
Bill Nye the Science Guy*

On Saturdays I got up to watch ANYTHING that came on Fox or WB...and I do mean ANYTHING. XD

*I know I watched this before I hit grade school
Posts: 23/28
i used to LOVE the original Power Rangers and original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Posts: 9/51
Originally posted by Jobes
I cant remember the show it had three teams and two made it to had to do task or race against each other to get the monkey artifact...i dont remember the name but i hope my vague details gets someone to remember
Oh oh oh I know what you're talking about...Hidden something?
Posts: 375/453
I cant remember the show it had three teams and two made it to had to do task or race against each other to get the monkey artifact...i dont remember the name but i hope my vague details gets someone to remember
Posts: 7/51
I wasn't really adament about any shows, I just watched what was on. But I enjoyed the following the most:

David the knome (I doubt anyone remembers this one..)
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
All That
Sylvestar & Tweety
My Little Pony

And there's probably more that I can't think of at the moment.
Posts: 3062/7838
In the morning

Pokemon ( When it came on Fox)
Max Steel
And Transformers

On Saturdays

Mighty Morphin' power rangers

And really thats all I watched, I got into anime but that really dosent count does it?
Posts: 363/453
When I wa little I watched

Where in the Word is Carmen Sandiego? - cartoon
X-men - both
Tiny Toon Adventures
Bill Nye the Sciences Guy
Spiderman - 90s cartoon
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes- anyone remember this cartoon?
Posts: 1868/11918
I watched an ungodly amount of TV as a child, but now it seems like children's shows aren't as great as they used to be. I don't watch much TV these days, but what I've caught lately makes me hair curl at times. Anyway, here's my list of shows I adamantly used to watch:

- Ghostwriter
- Where in World is Carmen Sandiego? the PBS game show and cartoon
- Young Hercules, when it was on Fox
- X-men, both the original and Evolution
- Ghostbusters, both "real" and Extreme
- Animaniacs
- Tiny Toon Adventures
- Eeek! the Cat
- Card Captors
- Science Court
- Beakman's World
- 'Round the Twist
- Life With Louie
- Eerie, Indiana
- Goosebumps
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- Free Willy, the animated series

Things that I used to love before school:

- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Pizza Cats
- Ronin Warriors
- Mummies Alive!
- Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys
- Old Disney cartoons on Wake, Rattle and Roll, KCal Kids, and other such shows
- Looney Toons
- Transformers: Beast Wars
- Battle Planets

If I can remember any more, I'll post them. Again I'm feeling nostalgic.

What did you used to watch?
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Cartoons and shows you used to love after school and Saturday morning

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