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02-23-25 01:56 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - *Sad*
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Posts: 193/3775
i miss my kitty, hes huge, and cuddly *cries* but i can see him in 3 weeks, when i go home.

btw saijin, when ur cat kneads ur chest, he is secreting a fluid from the pads on his feet that are marking you as his territory, like when they pee :-D
Posts: 3187/7838
I had some friends of mine who were going to videotape me cussing him out, host the video on youtube, while I was going to post my Tourettes syndrone self in all of the message boards I go to.

Im glad the cat is better and everything, but I would seriously like to talk to this guy, I love calling up random people, cussing at them, threatening them, and all of that jazz all because they want money.

However the last time I went apeshit/ Let my anger take controll, I broke every single bone in my body....

Anyways, can you post a picture of the poor Kitty? I would love him even if he had no legs....Pwease? I'd still love him to death
Posts: 199/647
Everything's fine... He's happier and more social than I've ever seen him. He can smell again.. and his sneezes sound more like a sneeze and less like a wheeze..

It was worth the money. I really don't care how much it costs in the end, so much as my cat is alive.

The vet I took him to had never seen anything like this, so it was likely to happen. I don't blame anyone, but if it makes you feel better, my fiance is still pissed and is going to give them a piece of his mind when we go back in a couple weeks.
Posts: 3167/7838
Give me the number to the vet. Seriously, im not joking, I actually bought a calling card so I can post this.

Give me the vet's number so I can cuss them out for you...How dare they not treat that kitty right....

Like I said earlier, I am a huge cat lover...I hate this seriously for your cat....and they are getting a piece of my mind!
Posts: 3178/9736
Even the vet bills in California are outrageous, damn. Have your boyfriend do the hell raising with the vet, seriously that is retarded that they tried to charge you that much. Poor kitty, I hope everything turns out alright... even if he does look rather odd from now on.
Posts: 198/647
My boyfriend wanted to do that, but I was way too stressed out to be ranting and complaining.

He's doing a lot better... even though he looks really retarded...
Posts: 3092/7838
Dont pay for the fucking bills, I would be raising hell about the vet not getting his shit straight, and seriously raise hell on the high cost of trying to fix the cat.

I am a cat person, I finally own a solid white cat named Mia, shes healthy, adorable, and I would die if anything happend to her. But when I take her to the vet for a checkup, I make sure I get the shit stright, and I tell my vet that I will not pay a single penny unless things are worked out.

Seriously, I would personally go up there for you and raise hell about this. It pisses me off that they give you a big ass bill about this. its almost as if they did this on purpose just to get their hands on some money...

I say fuck them, tell them to keep the cat, and the fucking bill, its their problem for lollygagging and not getting shit straight....but if you love the cat, I would just give the cat the most confortable time...Like I do my cat, she loves to kneed on my chest....

just continue to love the cat, and do not pay for that fucking bill
Posts: 195/647
So one of my cats, Nova, has this weird bump right between his eyes. My fiance took him to the vet and they drained it; it was full of blood. So they assumed he broke his nose. They gave us antibiotics, saying he should be fine. The bump went away and the medicine they gave us ran out. Two days later the bump returned. So I took him to the vet. She said it was probably some kind of infection. Two more different kinds of antibiotics. If it didn't go away after that, Bring him back. It didn't go away. So we brought him back.They did a check up, took some blood to make sure it wasn't some kind of leukemia related issue... and to come back Thursday morning. So I did. The blood tests came back clean... no leukemia. So he went in for surgery. It took them all damn day. I dropped him off at 9AM... didn't get him til 5PM. The doctor told me that the bump on his head will always be there, as it is BONE. It will also always have a dent in the bump, because it was full of mucus. They're sending off the stuff that was in his nose to a lab to see if it is still some kind of cancer or fungal infection, which is a better bet.

Total vet bills: $833.

I'm so stressed and nearly in tears about this stupid cat that is going to look retarded for the rest of his life because of the stupid God-damned vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.

We're also renaming Nova to King-on, because that's what he resembles (jk)
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - *Sad*

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