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02-03-25 07:00 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Spiderman 3
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Posts: 1271/1858
Rogue, where the hell are you. I'm in a meeting at work, diddling on my phone and I came across a news article about new footage that was shown at comic con. THEY SHOWED VENOM! I'm sitting here having a fit because I can't go on you tube and find it right now.
Posts: 360/3775
ah ha, a fake trailer

i seriously thought it was real, even though the title said fake. its really well done, but when you watch closely you notice clips from other movies.
Posts: 26/28
That looks great. I can't wait. I have it as my background at the moment. I'm looking forward to Carnage one year...
Posts: 4243/11757
Wow. I thought of Mysterio as ... Calisto.

Like I said, it's been so long.

But yeah, I'd love to see Mysterio. Doesn't he kill MJ in one of the comics, or something like that?
Posts: 1218/2999
Felicia and Peter got together in the comics before. Felicia got dumped for MJ, then started dating Flash, then blah blah blah.

I think they've dated twice from what I read. One of them, Felicia played Peter like a fiddle, and Peter was pretty pissed.

I read too many comics from the late 70's-Early 90's.

EDIT: Xeo, there's many enemies I wanna see. Like Electro, Mysterio, Kraven, even Beetle.
Posts: 4237/11757
Didn't Felicia and Peter eventually get together, or something like that? Towards the end of the series.

Man, its been so long since I've seen the cartoon.

Anyways, on a random note they're supposed to make a ton of Spiderman movies. I just hope somewhere down the road we'll see Calisto. (that was the guy with the illusions, right?)

And maybe Chameleon.
Posts: 1944/11918
Oh jeez, that's it. I remember Gwen dying, but for some reason confused her for Black Cat.

Now that I think of it, I didn't watch the '90s Spiderman series all that much and whenever I saw Felicia on there, I assumed it was Gwen Stacy, who now that I look it up was intentionally left out of the animated series because they didn't want to show her die.

So all these years Black Cat's secret identity has been safe from yours truly.
Posts: 1217/2999
Gwen Stacy? The Black Cat? Zuh? Felicia was the Black Cat, Stacy died.

I saw the trailer already, I got pretty excited. Sandman was an interesting choice, and it looks like they'll pull him off awesome.

I think the symbiote costume will be a foreshadow for Venom in perhaps a fourth movie? I mean, two major villains is enough.
Posts: 1941/11918
Yeah, there's a discussion in Video Hut.

It figures that Black Cat is there since Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker's college sweetheart, was Black Cat and is in this upcoming movie.
Posts: 93/639
This movie better be good our I will be very mad at Marvel, but I can't believe the time that we have to wait for this movie.
Posts: 4229/11757

Never heard of him?

But yeah, if done right ... I think this could very well be one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm excited to see Spiderman get a little more serious, and the whole virus / venom backstory has always been great.

It just looks incredible. But an entire year away.
Posts: 1210/1858
I swore this thread was made. But I browsed through the threads and came up with nothing.

It looks abso~mazing. I noticed Black Cat and Green Goblin. Venom is inevitable. Who was that Sand guy that popped out of the building?
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Spiderman 3

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