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03-12-25 11:47 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Hyperbolic Time Chamber - What type of Porn?
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X Marks the Spot
Posts: 531/693
I watch real pornos for the same reason that I play hentai games.

For the hilarious dialogue and ridiculously implausable plotlines.
Posts: 3426/9736
Hentai, the actresses in real porn just disgust me too much anymore for it to be good. If I saw one with good acting where they seem to honestly be enjoying it, then maybe.
X Marks the Spot
Posts: 450/693
Either one works, but I prefer hentai.

And when I get bored of that, I just switch over to real people. Preferably Japanese real people.
Posts: 3424/7838
My Girlfri- *Gets runover by a car*
Posts: 4358/11758
I switch off. It works out well.

But really, the real stuff x1000000000000 times better, and I could do without hentai easily.

I just constantly find new stars to enjoy.

Thanks Vivid.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1521/2915
Whatever I feel like.

That's usually both.
Posts: 382/3775
i cannot choose, depends what kind of mood im in...
Xeogaming Forums - Hyperbolic Time Chamber - What type of Porn?

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