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03-11-25 03:31 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - hehehe.. busy
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Posts: 88/101
No I haven't seen the new car yet..

I'll work on the signature some or I might do some image with some Text in that not sure yet. I'm on campus 5 days a week as per my norm. Moving out of my place in Dec either to a place by the trafic circle or my old place in signal hill.. Miss ya
Posts: 3560/9736
Originally posted by MurdockDeNoss
Elara, are you going to be at the college this coming fall semester??? or are you advancing to the University level of higher eduMIcation?

I start CSULB this semester, though I will drop by when I can. You haven't seen the new car yet.

As for the color of the signature, now I see what you mean about it being hard to read. Might want to use a different shade or something. Too bad that it can't have a black border or something around the letters.
Posts: 87/101
Makura, long time no see... How ya been???
Posts: 1106/1555
Good to see you back, Murdock, hope you stay active.
Posts: 86/101
Elara, are you going to be at the college this coming fall semester??? or are you advancing to the University level of higher eduMIcation?
Posts: 3513/9736
Much better, and it doesn't stretch the layout anymore! I don't really have a problem reading it, the colors are different enough.
Posts: 85/101
hehe, is that better. I know its hard to read but its a quote I want that way cause I want ppl to think about its significance...
Posts: 4708/11758
You should just completely take out your signature and put it in your bio or something. Hardly anyone is a fan of long stories / paragraphs and stuff in a layout ...

But, good to have you back. Hope you are active again.
Posts: 3458/9736
Is there anyway that you can make the signature shorter so it doesn't make your layout repeat? It would look a lot better then.
Posts: 84/101
:: chuckles some ::
Thanks for the complemnt about my signature and pic's. I'm gonna try and stay active but can't make any promisses, I do side jobs making websites and building computers which pay partly for my little sister to be put through privet school.. I'll be lurking, its what I do best..
Posts: 41/51
Wow, your layout is gorgeus

I'm jealous lol.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 1200/4541
I'll be perfectly honest...I didn't notice your leaving. Welcome back anyway.
Posts: 1230/2999
Welcome back, good to see an old face return. Gonna stick around a bit more?

Shorten your signature, it is long.
Posts: 1354/1567
Hey, what have you been up to lately? it's been a while
Posts: 3449/9736
Hiya, Murdoc! Nice to see you remembered the board finally... now stay active! There is a story competition going on if you are interested *shameless plug*

Damn your signature is long....
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - hehehe.. busy

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